Question 11494 – APPSC-2012-DL CA
January 17, 2024
Question 17345 – NTA UGC NET Dec 2023 Paper-2
January 17, 2024
Question 11494 – APPSC-2012-DL CA
January 17, 2024
Question 17345 – NTA UGC NET Dec 2023 Paper-2
January 17, 2024

Question 10098 –

The language L, defined by the following grammar allows use of real or integer data in expressions and assignment statements.

    (assign-stmt):: = (LHS):= (E)
             (E) :: = (E) + (T)|(T)
             (T) :: = (T) * (V)|(V)
             (V) :: = id|((E))
           (LHS) :: = id 

It is required to convert expression and assignment strings of L into postfix strings that use the type-specific operators (+, i), (+, r), (*, i), (*, r), (:=, i) and (:=,r).
Write a syntax directed translation scheme to convert expression and assignment strings into the post-fix form. You may assume that the name and type of a variable can be obtained by making the function calls ‘give-type (id)’ and ‘give-name (id)’ respectively.

Correct Answer: A

Theory Explanation.
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