Question 10449 – Semaphores
January 27, 2024
Question 14981 – DSSSB TGT 2017
January 28, 2024
Question 10449 – Semaphores
January 27, 2024
Question 14981 – DSSSB TGT 2017
January 28, 2024

Question 8077 – Algorithms

G = (V,E) is an undirected simple graph in which each edge has a distinct weight, and e is a particular edge of G. Which of the following statements about the minimum spanning trees (MSTs) of G is/are TRUE?
I. If e is the lightest edge of some cycle in G, then every MST of G includes e
II. If e is the heaviest edge of some cycle in G, then every MST of G excludes e

Correct Answer: B

Question 22 Explanation: 
Statement-1: False
The MSTs of G may or may not include the lightest edge.
Take rectangular graph labelled with P,Q,R,S.
Connect with P-Q = 5, Q-R = 6, R-S = 8, S-P = 9, P-R = 7.
When we are forming a cycle R-S-P-R. P-R is the lightest edge of the cycle.
The MST abcd with cost 11
P-Q + Q-R + R-S does not include it.

Statement-2: True
Suppose there is a minimum spanning tree which contains e. If we add one more edge to the spanning tree we will create a cycle.
Suppose we add edge e to the spanning tree which generated cycle C.
We can reduce the cost of the minimum spanning tree if we choose an edge other than e from C for removal which implies that e must not be in minimum spanning tree and we get a contradiction.

I only
II only
both I and II
neither I nor II
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