Question 4107 – Software-design
May 16, 2024
Question 6212 – Operating-Systems
May 16, 2024
Question 4107 – Software-design
May 16, 2024
Question 6212 – Operating-Systems
May 16, 2024

Question 9270 – Data-Structures

Consider the following C program segment where CellNode represents a node in a binary tree:

  struct CellNode {
      struct CellNOde *leftChild;
        int element;
      struct CellNode *rightChild;
  int GetValue(struct CellNode *ptr) {
      int value = 0;
      if (ptr != NULL)            {
        if ((ptr->leftChild == NULL) &&
              (ptr->rightChild == NULL))
           value = 1;
           value = value + GetValue(ptr->leftChild)
                         + GetValue(ptr->rightChild);

The value returned by GetValue() when a pointer to the root of a binary tree is passed as its argument is:

Correct Answer: C

Question 76 Explanation: 
Let take example,

So from applying algorithm to above tree we got the final value v=3 which is nothing but no. of leaf nodes.
Note that height of the tree is also 3 but it is not correct because in algorithm the part
if ((ptr → leafchild = = NULL) && (ptr → rightchild = = NULL)) value = 1;
Says that if there is only one node the value is 1 which cannot be height of the tree because the tree with one node has height ‘0’.
the number of nodes in the tree
the number of internal nodes in the tree
the number of leaf nodes in the tree
the height of the tree
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