August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024
August 29, 2024


Question 315
Identify the correct order in which a server process must invoke the function calls accept, bind,
listen and recv according to UNIX socket API.
listen, accept, bind, recv
bind, listen, accept, recv
bind, accept, listen, recv
accept, listen, bind, recv
Question 315 Explanation: 
The correct order in which a server process must invoke the function calls according to UNIX socket API is
socket() creates a new socket of a certain type, identified by an integer number, and allocates system resources to it.
bind() associates a socket with a socket address structure, i.e. a specified local IP address and a port number.
listen() causes a bound TCP socket to enter listening state.
accept() accepts a received incoming attempt to create a new TCP connection from the remote client, and creates a new socket associated with the socket address pair of this connection.
send(), recv(), sendto(), and recvfrom() are used for sending and receiving data.
Correct Answer: B
Question 315 Explanation: 
The correct order in which a server process must invoke the function calls according to UNIX socket API is
socket() creates a new socket of a certain type, identified by an integer number, and allocates system resources to it.
bind() associates a socket with a socket address structure, i.e. a specified local IP address and a port number.
listen() causes a bound TCP socket to enter listening state.
accept() accepts a received incoming attempt to create a new TCP connection from the remote client, and creates a new socket associated with the socket address pair of this connection.
send(), recv(), sendto(), and recvfrom() are used for sending and receiving data.
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