
Question 1
Question 1 Explanation: 

Question 2

Let Q = ({q1,q2}, {a,b}, {a,b,Z}, δ, Z, ϕ) be a pushdown automaton accepting by empty stack for the language which is the set of all non empty even palindromes over the set {a,b}. Below is an incomplete specification of the transitions δ. Complete the specification. The top of the stack is assumed to be at the right end of the string representing stack contents.

(1) δ(q1,a,Z) = {(q1,Za)}
(2) δ(q1,b,Z) = {(q1,Zb)}
(3) δ(q1,a,a) = {(.....,.....)}
(4) δ(q1,b,b) = {(.....,.....)}
(5) δ(q2,a,a) = {(q2,ϵ)}
(6) δ(q2,b,b) = {(q2,ϵ)}
(7) δ(q2,ϵ,Z) = {(q2,ϵ)} 
Theory Explanation.
Question 3

Which of the following languages over {a,b,c} is accepted by a deterministic pushdown automata?

 Note: wR  is the string obtained by reversing 'w'. 
{w⊂wR|w ∈ {a,b}*}
{wwR|w ∈ {a,b,c}*}
{anbncn|n ≥ 0}
{w|w is a palindrome over {a,b,c}}
Question 3 Explanation: 
(A) w⊂wR, can be realized using DPDA because we know the center of the string that is c here.
(B) wwR, is realized by NPDA because we can't find deterministically the center of palindrome string.
(C) {anbncn | n ≥ 0} is CSL.
(D) {w | w is palindrome over {a,b,c}},
is realized by NPDA because we can't find deterministically the center of palindrome string.
There are 3 questions to complete.

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