
Question 1

Every element a of some ring (R,+,0) satisfies the equation aoa = a.
Decide whether or not the ring is commutative.

Theory Explanation.
Question 2

Let f be a function defined by

Find the values for the constants a, b, c and d so that f is continuous and differentiable every where on the real line.

Theory Explanation.
Question 3

Let F be the collection of all functions f: {1,2,3} → {1,2,3}. If f and g ∈ F, define an equivalence relation ~ by f ~ g if and only if f(3) = g(3).
a) Find the number of equivalence classes defined by ~.
b) Find the number of elements in each equivalence class.

Theory Explanation.
Question 4

(a) Mr. X claims the following:
If a relation R is both symmetric and transitive, then R is reflexive. For this, Mr. X offers the following proof:
"From xRy, using symmetry we get yRy. Now because R is transitive, xRy and yRy together imply xRx. Therefore, R is reflexive."
Briefly point out the flaw in Mr. X's proof.

(b) Give an example of relation R which is symmetric and transitive but not reflexive.

Theory Explanation
Question 6
Which of the following statements is/are TRUE for a group G ?
If the order of G is 2 , then G is commutative.
If G is commutative, then a subgroup of G need not be commutative.
Question 6 Explanation: 
(A) : True. Circular wait is a necessary condition for the formation of a deadlock.
(B) : False. In a multiple instance graph, a cycle always does not indicate deadlock.
(C) : False. Unsafe state may or may not lead to deadlock.
(D) : True. Since every edge is allocated, that means there are no requests. Hence, cycle is not possible.
Question 7

The number of onto function (surjective function) from set X = {1, 2, 3, 4} to set Y = {a, b, c} is ______.

Question 7 Explanation: 
Number of onto function from set X to set Y with |X| = m, |Y| = n is

m = 4, n = 3 ⇒ number of onto function is
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