October 6, 2023Digital-Logic-Design
October 6, 2023Combinational-Circuit
Question 2
A multiplexer is placed between a group of 32 registers and an accumulator to regulate data movement such that at any given point in time the content of only one register will move to the accumulator. The minimum number of select lines needed for the multiplexer is _____.
Question 2 Explanation:
Number of registers is 32. Only one register has to be selected at any instant of time.
A 25x1 Multiplexer with 5 select lines selects one of the 32(= 25) registers at a time depending on the selection input.
The content from the selected register will be transferred through the output line to the Accumulator.
Correct Answer: A
Question 2 Explanation:
Number of registers is 32. Only one register has to be selected at any instant of time.
A 25x1 Multiplexer with 5 select lines selects one of the 32(= 25) registers at a time depending on the selection input.
The content from the selected register will be transferred through the output line to the Accumulator.