Question 7677 – UGC-NET DEC-2019 Part-2
November 27, 2023
Question 7680 – UGC-NET DEC-2019 Part-2
November 27, 2023
Question 7677 – UGC-NET DEC-2019 Part-2
November 27, 2023
Question 7680 – UGC-NET DEC-2019 Part-2
November 27, 2023

UGC-NET DEC-2019 Part-2

Question 15
Suppose a system has 12 magnetic tape drives and at time to, three processes are allotted tape drives out of their need as given below:

At time to, the system is in safe state. Which of the following is safe sequence so that deadlock is avoided?

(p0, p1, p2)
(p1, p0, p2)
(p2, p1, p0)
(p0, p2, p1)
Question 15 Explanation: 

Out of Total 12 resources, 9 resources are allocated. So the remaining resources are 3.
With 3 resources process P1 requirements can be fulfilled. So after that total resources will be 3+ resources allocated to P1(i.e. 3+2= 5)
Now process P0 requirement will be fulfilled. So after that total resources will be 5+ resources allocated to P0(i.e. 5+5=10)
Now process P2 requirement will be fulfilled. So after that total resources will be 10+ resources allocated to P2(i.e. 10+2=12)
Correct Answer: B
Question 15 Explanation: 

Out of Total 12 resources, 9 resources are allocated. So the remaining resources are 3.
With 3 resources process P1 requirements can be fulfilled. So after that total resources will be 3+ resources allocated to P1(i.e. 3+2= 5)
Now process P0 requirement will be fulfilled. So after that total resources will be 5+ resources allocated to P0(i.e. 5+5=10)
Now process P2 requirement will be fulfilled. So after that total resources will be 10+ resources allocated to P2(i.e. 10+2=12)
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