Question 8263 – Transactions
January 4, 2024
Question 17255 – NTA UGC NET JUNE 2023 Paper-1
January 4, 2024
Question 8263 – Transactions
January 4, 2024
Question 17255 – NTA UGC NET JUNE 2023 Paper-1
January 4, 2024

Question 8165 – GATE 2015 [Set-1]

The probabilities that a student passes in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry are m, p and c respectively. Of these subjects, the student has 75% chance of passing in at least one, a 50% chance of passing in at least two and a 40% chance of passing in exactly two. Following relations are drawn in m, p, c:

    (I) p + m + c = 27/20
    (II) p + m + c = 13/20
    (III) (p) × (m) × (c) = 1/10

Correct Answer: D

Question 8 Explanation: 
75% of students have a chance of passing atleast one subject
= 1 – (1 – m) (1 – p) (1 – c) = 0.75 —-(i)

50% of students have a chance pass in atleast two
(1 – m)pc + (1 – p)mc + (1 – c) mp + mpc = 0.5 —-(ii)
40% of students have a chance of passing exactly two
(1 – m)pc + (1 – p)mc + (1 – c)mp = 0.4 —-(iii)
From equation (ii) and (iii) we can get
mpc = 0.1
⇒ m*p*c = 1/10
Statement (III) is correct.
→ Simplify eq (i), we get
⇒ p+c+m – (mp+mc+pc) + mpc = 0.75
⇒ p+c+m – (mp+mc+pc) = 0.65 —-(iv)
→ Simplify equation (iii), we get
⇒ pc + mc + mp – 3mpc = 0.4 <br pc="" +="" mc="" mp="0.7" —-(v)=""
From (iv) and (v)
p + c + m – 0.7 = 0.65
⇒ p + c + m = 1.35 = 27/20
Statement (I) is correct.
Only relation I is true
Only relation II is true
Relations II and III are true.
Relations I and III are true.
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