Question 2982 – 2013 December UGC NET Paper 1
February 13, 2024Theory-of-Computation
February 13, 2024Theory-of-Computation
Question 13 |
Let Σ = {0,1}, L = Σ* and R = {0n1n such that n >0} then the languages L ∪ R and R are respectively
regular, regular | |
not regular, regular | |
regular, not regular | |
not regular, no regular |
Question 13 Explanation:
L∪R is nothing but L itself. Because R is subset of L and hence regular. R is deterministic context free but not regular as we require a stack to keep the count of 0’s to make that of 1’s.
Correct Answer: C
Question 13 Explanation:
L∪R is nothing but L itself. Because R is subset of L and hence regular. R is deterministic context free but not regular as we require a stack to keep the count of 0’s to make that of 1’s.