March 27, 2024
UGC NET CS 2015 June Paper-3
March 27, 2024
March 27, 2024
UGC NET CS 2015 June Paper-3
March 27, 2024


Question 443
The STUDENT information in a university stored in the relation STUDENT (Name, SEX, Marks, DEPT_Name) Consider the following SQL Query SELECT DEPT_Name from STUDENT where SEX = ‘M’ group by DEPT_Name having avg (Marks)>SELECT avg (Marks) from STUDENT. It Returns the Name of the Department for which:
The Average marks of Male students is more than the average marks of students in the same Department
The average marks of male students is more than the average marks of students in the University
The average marks of male students is more than the average marks of male students in the University
The average marks of students is more than the average marks of male students in the University
Question 443 Explanation: 
The query is co-related( same table is used in outer and inner query) so compare each entry of Student table 1 with each entry of Student table 2.

⇒ Consider this table for outer query i.e., LHS query of “>” symbol and here find avg. marks of a department because of group by constraint
i.e., avg. marks for CSE = 87.5
avg. marks for IT = 90

⇒ Consider this table for inner query i.e., RHS query of “>” symbol and here find avg. of total marks
i.e., avg. marks = 88.7
⇓ O/P of given query is
Correct Answer: B
Question 443 Explanation: 
The query is co-related( same table is used in outer and inner query) so compare each entry of Student table 1 with each entry of Student table 2.

⇒ Consider this table for outer query i.e., LHS query of “>” symbol and here find avg. marks of a department because of group by constraint
i.e., avg. marks for CSE = 87.5
avg. marks for IT = 90

⇒ Consider this table for inner query i.e., RHS query of “>” symbol and here find avg. of total marks
i.e., avg. marks = 88.7
⇓ O/P of given query is
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