August 31, 2024
August 31, 2024


Question 8

In the RSA public key cryptosystem, the private and public keys are (e, n) and (d, n) respectively, where n = p*q and p and q are large primes. Besides, n is public and p and q are private. Let M be an integer such that 0 < M < n and f(n) = (p- 1)(q-1). Now consider the following equations.

I.   M’= Me mod n
     M = (M’)d mod n 
II.  ed ≡ 1 mod n 
III. ed ≡ 1 mod f(n)
IV.  M’= Me mod f(n)
     M = (M’)d mod f(n) 

Which of the above equations correctly represent RSA cryptosystem?

I and II
I and III
II and IV
III and IV
Question 8 Explanation: 
To generate the encryption and decryption keys, we can proceed as follows.
1. Generate randomly two “large” primes p and q.
2. Compute n=pq and ∅=(p-1)(q-1).
3. Choose a number e so that
4. Find the multiplicative inverse of e modulo ∅, i.e., find d so that
ed≡1 (mod ∅)
This can be done efficiently using Euclid’s Extended Algorithm.
The encryption public key is KE=(n,e) and the decryption private key is KD=(n,d).
The encryption function is
E(M)=Me mod n
The decryption function is
D(M)=Md mod n
Correct Answer: B
Question 8 Explanation: 
To generate the encryption and decryption keys, we can proceed as follows.
1. Generate randomly two “large” primes p and q.
2. Compute n=pq and ∅=(p-1)(q-1).
3. Choose a number e so that
4. Find the multiplicative inverse of e modulo ∅, i.e., find d so that
ed≡1 (mod ∅)
This can be done efficiently using Euclid’s Extended Algorithm.
The encryption public key is KE=(n,e) and the decryption private key is KD=(n,d).
The encryption function is
E(M)=Me mod n
The decryption function is
D(M)=Md mod n
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