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UGC NET CS 2018-DEC Paper-2

Question 70
What does the following java function perform ? (Assume int occupies four bytes of storage)
Public static int f(int a)
//Pre-conditions : a>0 and no overflow/underflow occurs
int b=0;
for(int i=0; i<32; i++)
b=b <<1;
b= b | (a & 1);
a = a >>> 1; // This is a logical shift
Return b;
Return the int that represents the number of 0’s in the binary representation of integer a.
Return the int that represents the number of 1’s in the binary representation of integer a.
Return the int that has the reversed binary representation of integer a.
Return the int that has the binary representation of integer a.
Question 70 Explanation: 
→ Consider the a value is 5 .
The initial value of b is 0 and b<<1 means b will get value of 2
b=b|(a&1) which means 2|(5&1) then b will get value “2”
a=a<<1 means value a will reduce to 3
→ Repeat the above procedure for 31 iterations .
→ Iteration-2: b=b<<1 then b is 4 and b=b|(a&1)= 4|(3&1) then b is 5 and a becomes 1
→ Iteration-3: b=b<<1 then b is 10 and b=b|(1&1)= 4|(3&1) then b is 11 and a becomes 0
→ And this procedure will repeat until “i” value is 32.
→ The final value is 11 (Number of 1’s in the result is 2) and the number of 1’s in the input 5 are 2.
Correct Answer: C
Question 70 Explanation: 
→ Consider the a value is 5 .
The initial value of b is 0 and b<<1 means b will get value of 2
b=b|(a&1) which means 2|(5&1) then b will get value “2”
a=a<<1 means value a will reduce to 3
→ Repeat the above procedure for 31 iterations .
→ Iteration-2: b=b<<1 then b is 4 and b=b|(a&1)= 4|(3&1) then b is 5 and a becomes 1
→ Iteration-3: b=b<<1 then b is 10 and b=b|(1&1)= 4|(3&1) then b is 11 and a becomes 0
→ And this procedure will repeat until “i” value is 32.
→ The final value is 11 (Number of 1’s in the result is 2) and the number of 1’s in the input 5 are 2.
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