Question 1 |
# include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i, j, count;
count = 0;
i = 0;
for (j = -3; j <= 3; j++)
if ((j >= 0) && (i++))
count = count + j;
count = count + i;
printf(“%d”, count);
return 0;
Which one of the following options is correct?
A | The program will compile successfully and output 13 when executed. |
B | The program will compile successfully and output 10 when executed. |
C | The program will compile successfully and output 8 when executed. |
D | The program will not compile successfully. |
Input: count=0 , i=0 and j=-3
For(j = -3; j <= 3; j++) → Condition TRUE then enters into the loop.
if((j >= 0) && (i++)) → Condition fails because they are given logical AND.
So, we are not entering the “if” condition and come out of the loop. The count and “i” values remain “0”.
For(j = -2; j <= 3; j++) → Condition TRUE then enters into the loop.
if((j >= 0) && (i++)) → Condition fails because they are given logical AND.
So, we are not entering the “if” condition and come out of the loop. The count and “i” values remain “0”.
For(j = -1; j <= 3; j++) → Condition TRUE then enters into the loop.
if((j >= 0) && (i++)) → Condition fails because they are given logical AND.
So, we are not entering the “if” condition and come out of the loop. The count and “i” values remain “0”.
For(j = 0; j <= 3; j++) → Condition TRUE then enters into the loop.
if((j >= 0) && (i++)) → Condition TRUE then enters into the loop.
count=0+0 → Count=0
For(j = 1; j <= 3; j++) → Condition TRUE then enters into the loop.
if((j >= 0) && (i++)) → Condition TRUE then enters into the loop.
count=0+1 → Count=1
For(j = 2; j <= 3; j++) → Condition TRUE then enters into the loop.
if((j >= 0) && (i++)) → Condition TRUE then enters into the loop.
count=1+2 → Count=3
For(j = 3; j <= 3; j++) → Condition TRUE then enters into the loop.
if((j >= 0) && (i++)) → Condition TRUE then enters into the loop.
count=3+3 → Count=6
For(j = 4; j <= 3; j++) → Condition FALSE we are not entering the loop.
count=6+4 → We are given a condition as a post increment. So, “i” updates the next instruction.
The above code segment executes successfully and will print value=10.
Question 2 |
int SimpleFunction (int Y[], int n, int x)
int total = Y[0], loopIndex;
for (loopIndex = 1; loopIndex <= n - 1; loopIndex++)
total = x * total + Y[loopIndex]
return total;
Let Z be an array of 10 elements with Z[i]=1, for all i such that 0 ≤ i ≤ 9. The value returned by SimpleFunction(Z, 10, 2) is _______
A | 1023 |
Initial total value is 1 => total=1.
For loop will execute 9 times.
loopindex=1, 1<=9 condition is true then
total = x * total + Y[loopIndex]= 2*1+Y[1]=2+1=3
loopindex=2, 2<=9 condition is true then
loopindex=3, 3<=9 condition is true then
total=2*7+Y[3]=14+1 =15
loopindex=4, 4<=9 condition is true then
total= 2*15+Y[4]=30+1=31
loopindex=5, 5<=9 condition is true then
loopindex=6, 6<=9 condition is true then
loopindex=7, 7<=9 condition is true then
Total =2*127+Y[7]=254+1=255
loopindex=8, 8<=9 condition is true then
loopindex=9, 9<=9 condition is true then
loopindex=10, 10<=9 condition is false then
Total value is returned which is 1023.
You can also write generalized formulae 210-1=1023
Question 3 |
An array a contains n integers in non-decreasing order, A[1] ≤ A[2] ≤ ... ≤ A[n]. Describe, using Pascal like pseudo code, a linear time algorithm to find i, j, such that A[i] + A[j] = a given integer M, if such i, j exist.
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 4 |
(a) Draw a precedence graph for the following sequential code. The statements are numbered from S1 to S6
S1 read n S2 i:=1 S3 if i>n goto next S4 a(i):=i+1 S5 i:=i+1 S6 next : Write a(i)
(b) Can this graph be converted to a concurrent program using parbegin-parend construct only?
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 5 |
Consider the program below:
Program main; var r:integer; procedure two; begin write (r) end; procedure one; var r:integer; begin r:=5 two; end begin r:=2; two; one; two; end.
What is printed by the above program if
(i) Static scoping is assumed for all variables;
(ii) Dynamic scoping is assumed for all variables.
Give reasons for your answer.
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 6 |
What function of x, n is computed by this program?
Function what (x, n:integer): integer: Var value : integer; begin value:=1 if n>0 then begin if n mod 2 = 1 then value:=value*x; value:=value*what(x*x, n div 2); end; what:value end;
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 7 |
The following is an incomplete Pascal function to convert a given decimal integer (in the range -8 to +7) into a binary integer in 2’s complement representation. Determine the expression A, B, C that complete program.
function TWOSCOMP (N:integer):integer; var RAM, EXPONENT:integer; BINARY :integer; begin if(N>=-8) and (N<=+7) then begin if N<0 then N : = A; BINARY:=0; EXPONENT:=1; while N<>0 do begin REM:=N mod 2; BINARY:=BINARY + B*EXPONENT; EXPONENT:=EXPONENT*10; N := C end TWOSCOMP:=BINARY end end;
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 8 |
(a) Using the scope rules of Pascal determine the declaration that apply to each occurrence of the names A and B in the following program segment.
procedure T(U, V, X, Y: integer); var A: record A, B : integer end; B: record B, A : integer end; begin with A do begin A:=4; B:=V end; with B do begin A:=X; B:=Y end end;
(b) Find the lexical errors in the following Pascal statement:
if A > 1, then B = 2.5A else read (C);
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 9 |
Consider the following high level program segment. Give the contents of the memory locations for variables W, X, Y and Z after the execution of the program segment. The values of the variables A and B are 5 CH and 92H, respectively. Also indicate error conditions if any.
var A, B, W, X, Y :unsigned byte; Z :unsigned integer, (each integer is represented by two bytes) begin X :=A+B Y :=abs(bA-b); W :=A-B Z :=A*B End;
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 10 |
(a) Consider the following Pascal function where A and B are non-zero positive integers. What is the value of GET(3,2)?
function GET(A,B:integer);integer; begin if B = 0 then GET:=1 else if A < B then GET:=0 else GET:=GET(A-1,B)+GET(A-1,B-1) end ;
(b) The Pascal procedure given for computing the transpose of an N × N (N>1) matrix A of integers has an error. Find the error and correct it.
Assume that the following declaration are made in the main program
const MAXSIZE=20; type INTARR=array [1.,MAXSIZE,1..MAXSIZE] of integer; Procedure TRANSPOSE (var A: INTARR; N : integer); var I, J, TMP, integer; begin for I:=1 to NO – 1 do for J:=1 to N do begin TMP: = A[I,J]; A[I,J]:=A[J,I]; A(J,I):=TMP end end;
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 11 |
A variant record in Pascal is defined by
type varirec = record number : integer; case (var1,var2) of var1: (x,y : integer); var2: (p.q.: real) end end
Suppose an array of 100 records was declared on a machine which uses 4 bytes for an integer and 8 bytes for a real. How much space would the compiler have to reserve for the array?
A | 2800 |
B | 2400 |
C | 2000 |
D | 1200 |
Question 12 |
What is the value of X printed by the following program?
program COMPUTE (input, output); var X:integer; procedure FIND (X:real); begin X:=sqrt(X); end; begin X:=2 Find(X) Writeln(X) end
A | 2 |
B | √2 |
C | Run time error |
D | None of the above |
X in the procedure FIND is a local variable. No change will be reflected in global variable X.
Question 13 |
Assume that X and Y are non-zero positive integers. What does the following Pascal program segment do?
while X <>Y do if X > Y then X := X – Y else Y := Y – X; write(X);
A | Computes the LCM of two numbers |
B | Divides the larger number by the smaller number |
C | Computes the GCD of two numbers |
D | None of the above |
1st pass : X=3 and Y=2
2nd pass : X=1 and Y=2
3rd pass : X=1 and Y=1
Write(X), which writes 1. Which is nothing but GCD of 3 & 5.
Question 14 |
Which of the following strings can definitely be said to be tokens without looking at the next input character while compiling a Pascal program?
I. begin II. program III. <>
A | I |
B | II |
C | III |
D | All of the above |
Question 15 |
In the following Pascal program segment, what is the value of X after the execution of the program segment?
X:=-10; Y:=20;
If X > Y then if X < 0 then X:=abs(X) else X:=2*X;
A | 10 |
B | -20 |
C | -10 |
D | None |
X = -10
Question 16 |
int tob (int b, int* arr) {
int i;
for (i=0; b>0; i++) {
if (b%2) arr [i] = 1;
else arr [i] = 0;
b = b/2;
return (i);
int pp (int a, int b) {
int arr [20];
int i, tot = 1, ex, len;
ex = a;
len = tob (b,arr);
for (i=0; i
tot = tot * ex;
ex = ex * ex;
return (tot);
The value returned by pp(3,4) is ________.
A | 81 |
len=tob(b,arr) which is 3
b%2 =4%2=0 Condition is false then arr[0]=0
=> b=b/2 =4/2 =2
b%2 =2%2=0 condition is false then arr[1]=0
then b%2=1%2 condition is true then arr[2]=1
The i value is 3 [length is 3]
arr[0] ==1 condition is false
arr[1]==1 condition is false
then arr[2]==1 condition is true
Finally it returns tot value which 81.
Question 17 |
Consider the following C functions.
int fun1 (int n) { int fun2 (int n) { static int i = 0; static int i = 0; if (n > 0) { if (n > 0) { ++i; i = i + fun1 (n); fun1 (n-1); fun2 (n-1); } } return (i); return (i); } }
The return value of fun2 (5) is _______.
A | 55 |
int fun1(int n) {
printf("--fun1 call--\n");
static int i = 0;
printf("fun1(%d)= %d\n",n, i);
int fun2(int n) {
printf("\n******* fun2 call ********\n");
static int i = 0;
printf("%d + fun1(%d)\n", i,n);
printf("fun2(%d)= %d\n",n, i);
void main()
printf("final = %d\n", fun2(5));
Check step by step hand run of the code to understand the recursion:
******* fun2 call ********
0 + fun1(5)
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
fun1(0)= 5
fun1(1)= 5
fun1(2)= 5
fun1(3)= 5
fun1(4)= 5
fun1(5)= 5
******* fun2 call ********
5 + fun1(4)
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
fun1(0)= 9
fun1(1)= 9
fun1(2)= 9
fun1(3)= 9
fun1(4)= 9
******* fun2 call ********
14 + fun1(3)
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
fun1(0)= 12
fun1(1)= 12
fun1(2)= 12
fun1(3)= 12
******* fun2 call ********
26 + fun1(2)
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
fun1(0)= 14
fun1(1)= 14
fun1(2)= 14
******* fun2 call ********
40 + fun1(1)
--fun1 call--
--fun1 call--
fun1(0)= 15
fun1(1)= 15
******* fun2 call ********
fun2(0)= 55
fun2(1)= 55
fun2(2)= 55
fun2(3)= 55
fun2(4)= 55
fun2(5)= 55
final = 55
Question 18 |
Consider the following C program
int a, b, c = 0; void prtFun (void); int main () { static int a = 1; /* line 1 */ prtFun(); a += 1; prtFun(); printf ( "n %d %d " , a, b) ; } void prtFun (void) { static int a = 2; /* line 2 */ int b = 1; a += ++b; printf (" n %d %d " , a, b); }
What output will be generated by the given code segment?
A | |
B | |
C | |
D |
4 2
6 2
2 0
Question 19 |
Consider the following C program
int a, b, c = 0; void prtFun (void); int main () { static int a = 1; /* line 1 */ prtFun(); a += 1; prtFun(); printf ( "n %d %d " , a, b) ; } void prtFun (void) { static int a = 2; /* line 2 */ int b = 1; a += ++b; printf (" n %d %d " , a, b); }
What output will be generated by the given code segment if:
- Line 1 is replaced by auto int a = 1;
Line 2 is replaced by register int a = 2;
A | |
B | |
C | |
D |
Line 2 replaced by register int a=2;
In main there will be no change if it is static or auto because of a+=1 the auto variable a is updated to 2 from 1.
In prtfun ( ), register makes a difference.
For first print statement a is updated to 4 & prints 4, 2.
But now it is not a static variable to retain the value of a to 4. So it becomes 2, when second function call takes place & prints 4, 2 again. There is no change in b, it acts like a local variable.
4 2
4 2
2 0.
Question 20 |
What will be the output of the following C program segment?
char inchar = 'A'; switch (inchar) { case 'A' : printf ("choice A n") ; case 'B' : printf ("choice B ") ; case 'C' : case 'D' : case 'E' : default: printf ("No Choice") ; }
A | No Choice |
B | Choice A |
C | |
D | Program gives no output as it is erroneous |
→ Choice A
→ Choice B. No choice. Is the output.
Question 21 |
Given the following Pascal-like program segment
Procedure A; x,y: integer; Procedure B; x,z: real S1 end B; Procedure C; i: integer; S2 end C; end A;
The variables accessible in S1 and S2 are
A | x or A, y, x of B and z in S1 and x of B, y and i in S2 |
B | x or B, y and z in S1 and x of B, i and z in S2 |
C | x or B, z and y in S1 and x of A, i and y in S2 |
D | None of the above |
Question 22 |
What value would the following function return for the input x=95?
Function fun (x:integer):integer; Begin If x > 100 then fun = x - 10 Else fun = fun(fun(x + 11)) End;
A | 89 |
B | 90 |
C | 91 |
D | 92 |
fun(95) = fun(fun(106))
= fun(96)
= fun(fun(107))
= fun(97)
= fun(fun(108))
= fun(98)
= fun(fun(109))
= fun(99)
= fun(110)
= fun(100)
= fun(fun(111))
= fun(101)
= 91
Question 23 |
What is the result of the following program?
program side-effect (input, output); var x, result: integer; function f (var x:integer):integer; begin x:x+1;f:=x; end; begin x:=5; result:=f(x)*f(x); writeln(result); end;
A | 5 |
B | 25 |
C | 36 |
D | 42 |
If it is call by value then answer is 36.
Question 24 |
Consider the following pascal program skeleton:
program sort(...);var a,x,...; procedure readarray; var i,....; begin ...:=a... end; procedure exchange(...); begin ...:=a... ...:=x... end; procedure qsort(...); var k,v,...; function partition (...)...; var i,j,...; begin ...:=a... ...:=v... end; begin . . end; begin . . end;
Assume that at a given point in time during program execution, following procedures are active: sort, qsort(1,9), qsort(1.3), partition(1,3), exchange(1,3).
Show snapshots of the runtime stack with access links after each of the activations.
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 25 |
What will be the output of the following program assuming that parameter passing is
- (i) call by value
(ii) call by reference
(iii) call by copy restore
procedure P{x, y, z}; begin y:y+1; z: x+x end; begin a:= b:= 3; P(a+b, a, a); Print(a) end.
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 26 |
Suppose we have a function HALTS which when applied to any arbitrary function f and its arguments will say TRUE if function f terminates for those arguments and FALSE otherwise. Example, Given the following function definition.
Let us define the function FUNNY(f) = IF HALTS(ff) THEN not(ff) ELSE TRUE
(a) Show that FUNNY terminates for all functions f.
(b) Use (a) to prove (by contradiction) that it is not possible to have a function like HALTS which for arbitrary functions and inputs says whether it will terminate on that input or not.
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 27 |
Consider the following C function definition.
int Trial (int a, int b, int c) { if ((a >= b) && (c < b) return b; else if (a >= b) return Trial(a, c, b); else return Trial(b, a, c); }
The function Trial:
A | Finds the maximum of a, b, and c |
B | Finds the minimum of a, b and c |
C | Finds the middle number of a, b, c |
D | None of the above |
Question 28 |
Given the programming constructs (i) assignment (ii) for loops where the loop parameter cannot be changed within the loop (iii) if-then-else (iv) forward go to (v) arbitrary go to (vi) non-recursive procedure call (vii) recursive procedure/function call (viii) repeat loop, which constructs will you not include in a programming language such that it should be possible to program the terminates (i.e., halting) function in the same programming language.
A | (ii), (iii), (iv) |
B | (v), (vii), (viii) |
C | (vi), (vii), (viii) |
D | (iii), (vii), (viii) |
Question 29 |
Consider the following program is pseudo-Pascal syntax.
program main; var x: integer; procedure Q [z:integer); begin z: z + x; writeln(z) end; procedure P (y:integer); var x: integer; begin x: y + 2; Q(x); writeln(x) end; begin x:=5; P(x); Q(x); writeln(x) end.
What is the output of the program, when
(a) The parameter passing mechanism is call-by-value and the scope rule is static scooping?
(b) The parameter passing mechanism is call-by-reference and the scope rule is dynamic scooping?
A | Theory Explanation is given below. |
Question 30 |
The value of j at the end of the execution of the following C program.
int incr(int i) { static int count = 0; count = count + i; return (count); } main() { int i,j; for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++) j = incr(i); }
A | 10 |
B | 4 |
C | 6 |
D | 7 |
i=1; count=1
i=2; count=3
i=3; count=6
i=4; count=10
It return count value is 10.
Question 31 |
The following C declarations
struct node { int i; float j; }; struct node *s[10];
define s to be
A | An array, each element of which is a pointer to a structure of type node |
B | A structure of 2 fields, each field being a pointer to an array of 10 elements |
C | A structure of 3 fields: an integer, a float, and an array of 10 elements |
D | An array, each element of which is a structure of type node |
Question 32 |
The most appropriate matching for the following pairs
X: m=malloc(5); m= NULL; 1: using dangling pointers Y: free(n); n->value=5; 2: using uninitialized pointers Z: char *p; *p = ’a’; 3. lost memory
A | X – 1 Y – 3 Z – 2 |
B | X – 2 Y – 1 Z – 3 |
C | X – 3 Y – 2 Z – 1 |
D | X – 3 Y – 1 Z – 2 |
Y → n is pointer to invalid memory, a making it as a dangling pointer.
Z → p is not initialized.
p = malloc (size of(char))p = malloc (size of(char)); should have been used before assigning 'aa' to ∗p.
Question 33 |
Aliasing in the context of programming languages refers to
A | multiple variables having the same memory location |
B | multiple variables having the same value |
C | multiple variables having the same identifier |
D | multiple uses of the same variable |
Question 34 |
Consider the following C declaration
struct { short s [5] union { float y; long z; } u; } t;
Assume that objects of the type short, float and long occupy 2 bytes, 4 bytes and 8 bytes, respectively. The memory requirement for variable t, ignoring alignment considerations, is
A | 22 bytes |
B | 14 bytes |
C | 18 bytes |
D | 10 bytes |
max[float, long] = max [4, 8] = 8
Total = short[5] + max[float,long] = 10 + 8 = 18
Question 35 |
Consider the following C program:
void abc(char*s) { if(s[0]==’\0’)return; abc(s+1); abc(s+1); printf(“%c”,s[0]); } main() { abc(“123”) }
(a) What will be the output of the program?
(b) If abc(s) is called with a null-terminated string s of length n characters (not
counting the null (‘\0’) character), how many characters will be printed by abc(s)?
A | Theory Explanation is given below. |
Question 36 |
Consider the following program
Program P2 var n: int: procedure W(var x: int) begin x=x+1; print x; end procedure D begin var n: int; n=3; W(n); End begin //beginP2 n=10; D; end
If the language has dynamic scoping and parameters are passed by reference, what will be printed by the program?
A | 10 |
B | 11 |
C | 3 |
D | None of the above |
Procedure W(var x; int)
x = x+1 = 3+1 = 4
Print x → Print x=4
Question 37 |
What is printed by the print statements in the program P1 assuming call by reference parameter passing?
Program P1() { x = 10; y = 3; func1(y,x,x); print x; print y; } func1(x,y,z) { y = y+4; z = x+y+z; }
A | 10, 3 |
B | 31, 3 |
C | 27, 7 |
D | None of the above |
And variable y and z of func1 points to address of variable x.
Therefore, y = y+4 ⇒ y = 10+4 = 14
and z = x+y+z ⇒ z = 14+14+3 = 31
z will be stored back in k.
Hence, x=31 and y will remain as it is (y=3).
Hence, answer is (B).
Question 38 |
In the C language
A | At most one activation record exists between the current activation record and the activation record for the main |
B | The number of activation records between the current activation record and the activation record for the main depends on the actual function calling sequence. |
C | The visibility of global variables depends on the actual function calling sequence. |
D | Recursion requires the activation record for the recursive function to be saved on a different stack before the recursive fraction can be called. |
Question 39 |
In the following C program fragment, j, k n and TwoLog_n are interger variables, and A is an array of integers. The variable n is initialized to an integer ≥3, and TwoLog_n is initialized to the value of 2*⌈log2(n)⌉
for (k = 3; k < = n; k++) A[k] = 0; for (k = 2; k < = TwoLog_n; k++) for (j = k + 1; j < = n; j++) A[j] = A[j] || (j%k); for (j = 3; j < = n; j++) if (!A[j]) printf("%d", j);
The set of numbers printed by this program fragment is
A | {m|m ≤ n, (∃i)[m=i!]} |
B | {m|m ≤ n, (∃i)[m=i2]} |
C | {m|m ≤ n, m is prime}
D | { } |
Now Trace the code,
for (k=3; k<=n; k++)
A[k]=0; // A[3]=0
for (k=2; k<=Two log_n; k++)
for(j=k+1; j<=n; j++)
A[j] = A[j] // (j%k); // A[3] = 0 // I=1
A[4] = 0 // I=1
for (j=3; j<=n; j++)
if (!A[j]) printf("%d", j);
// if (!1) means if (0), so printf will never execute
Hence, Option (D) is the answer.
Question 40 |
Consider the C program shown below.
#include#define print(x) printf("%d", x) int x; void Q(int z) { z += x; print(z); } void P(int *y) { int x = *y + 2; Q(x); *y = x - 1; print(x); } main(void) { x = 5; P(&x); print(x); }
The output of this program is
A | 12 7 6
B | 22 12 11 |
C | 14 6 6 |
D | 7 6 6 |
p(&x) it goes to P( ) function
comes to P( )
x=7(Print x→II)
comes to main ( ),
print x=*y=6 (print x→III)
Output: 12 7 6
Question 41 |
Consider the following class definitions in a hypothetical Object Oriented language that supports inheritance and uses dynamic binding. The language should not be assumed to be either Java or C++, though the syntax is similar.
Class P { void f(int i) { print(i); } } Class Q subclass of P { void f(int i) { print(2*i); } }
Now consider the following program fragment:
Px = new Q(); Qy = new Q(); Pz = new Q(); x.f(1); ((P)y).f(1); z.f(1);
Here ((P)y) denotes a typecast of y to P. The output produced by executing the above program fragment will be
A | 1 2 1 |
B | 2 1 1 |
C | 2 1 2 |
D | 2 2 2 |
Note: The given question is not in the present syllabus
Question 42 |
Consider the following logic program P
A(x) <- B(x, y), C(y) <- B(x,x)
Which of the following first order sentences is equivalent to P?
A | (∀x) [(∃y) [B(x,y) ∧ C(y)] ⇒ A(x)] ∧ ¬(∃x)[B(x,x)] |
B | (∀x) [(∀y) [B(x,y) ∧ C(y)] ⇒ A(x)] ∧ ¬(∃x)[B(x,x)] |
C | (∀x) [(∃y) [B(x,y) ∧ C(y)] ⇒ A(x)] ∨ ¬(∃x)[B(x,x)] |
D | (∀x) [(∀y) [B(x,y) ∧ C(y)] ⇒ A(x)] ∧ (∃x)[B(x,x)] |
Question 43 |
The following program fragment is written in a programming language that allows variables and does not allow nested declarations of functions.
global int i = 100, j = 5; void P(x) { int i = 10; print(x + 10); i = 200; j = 20; print(x); } main() { P(i + j); }
If the programming language uses static scoping and call by need parameter passing mechanism, the values printed by the above program are
A | 115, 220 |
B | 25, 220 |
C | 25, 15 |
D | 115, 105 |
P(100+5) = P(105)
→void P(105)
int i=10;
print (x+10); ⇒ 105+10=115 prints
j = 20;
print (x); ⇒ x=105 prints
115, 105 prints
Question 44 |
The following program fragment is written in a programming language that allows variables and does not allow nested declarations of functions.
global int i = 100, j = 5; void P(x) { int i = 10; print(x + 10); i = 200; j = 20; print(x); } main() { P(i + j); }
If the programming language uses dynamic scoping and call by name parameter passing mechanism, the values printed by the above program are:
A | 115, 220 |
B | 25, 220 |
C | 25, 15 |
D | 115, 105 |
In void P(x)
{ int i = 10;
print(x + 10); ⇒ 105+10 = 115 prints
print (x); ⇒ print x=220;
Question 45 |
The following Pascal program segments finds the largest number in a two-dimensional integer array A[0...n-1,0...n-1] using a single loop. Fill up the boxes to complete the program and write against in your answer book. Assume that max is a variable to store the largest value and i,j are the indices to the array.
begin max:= , i:=0,j:=0; while do begin if A[i,j]>max then max:=A[i,j] if then j:=j+1 else begin j:=0; i:= end end end.
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 46 |
Program PARAM (input, output); var m, n : integer; procedure P (var, x, y : integer); var m : integer; begin m : = 1; x : = y + 1 end; procedure Q (x:integer; vary : integer); begin x:=y+1; end; begin m:=0; P(m,m); write (m); n:=0; Q(n*1,n); write (n) end
The value of n, output by the program PARAM is:
A | 0, because n is the actual parameter corresponding to x in procedure Q. |
B | 0, because n is the actual parameter to y in procedure Q. |
C | 1, because n is the actual parameter corresponding to x in procedure Q. |
D | 1, because n is the actual parameter corresponding to y in procedure Q. |
E | none of the above |
Question 47 |
Program PARAM (input, output); var m, n : integer; procedure P (var, x, y : integer); var m : integer; begin m : = 1; x : = y + 1 end; procedure Q (x:integer; vary : integer); begin x:=y+1; end; begin m:=0; P(m,m); write (m); n:=0; Q(n*1,n); write (n) end
What is the scope of m declared in the main program?
A | PARAM, P, Q |
B | PARAM, P |
C | PARAM, Q |
D | P, Q |
E | none of the above |
Question 48 |
What does the following code do?
var a, b : integer; begin a:=a+b; b:=a-b; a:=a-b end;
A | exchanges a and b |
B | doubles a and stores in b |
C | doubles b and stores in a |
D | leaves a and b unchanged |
E | none of the above |
Let us consider a=5; b=2
a := a+b = 5+2 = 7
b := a-b = 7-2 = 5
a := a-b = 7-5 = 2
O/P: a=2; b=5
Question 49 |
Program PARAM (input, output); var m, n : integer; procedure P (var, x, y : integer); var m : integer; begin m : = 1; x : = y + 1 end; procedure Q (x:integer; vary : integer); begin x:=y+1; end; begin m:=0; P(m,m); write (m); n:=0; Q(n*1,n); write (n) end
The value of m, output by the program PARAM is:
A | 1, because m is a local variable in P |
B | 0, because m is the actual parameter that corresponds to the formal parameter in p
C | 0, because both x and y are just reference to m, and y has the value 0 |
D | 1, because both x and y are just references to m which gets modified in procedure P |
E | none of the above |
Question 50 |
(a) What type of parameter passing mechanism (call-by-value, call-by-reference, call-by-name, or-by-value result) is the following sequence of actions truing to implement for a procedure call P(A[i]) where P(i:integer) is a procedure and A is an integer array?
1. Create a new local variable, say z. 2. Assign to z the value of A[i]. 3. Execute the body of P using z for A[i] 4. Set A[i] to z.
Is the implementation correct? Explain and correct it if necessary. You are supposed to make only small changes.
(b) Show the activation records and the display structure just after the procedures called at lines marked x and y have started their execution. Be sure to indicate which of the two procedures named A you are referring to.
Program Test; Procedure A; Procedure B; Procedure A; …… end a; begin y:A; end B; begin B; end A; begin x:A; end Test.
A | Theory Explanation. |