October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023


Question 90

Which of the following statements is false?

An unambiguous grammar has same leftmost and rightmost derivation
An LL(1) parser is a top-down parser
LALR is more powerful than SLR
An ambiguous grammar can never be LR(k) for any k
Question 90 Explanation: 
Option B: LL parser is a top-down parser for a subset of context-free languages. It parses the input from Left to right, performing Left most derivation of the sentence.
Option C: LALR is more powerful than SLR.
Option D: An ambiguous grammar can never be LR (k) for any k, because LR(k) algorithm aren’t designed to handle ambiguous grammars. It would get stuck into undecidability problem, if employed upon an ambiguous grammar, no matter how large the constant k is.
Correct Answer: A
Question 90 Explanation: 
Option B: LL parser is a top-down parser for a subset of context-free languages. It parses the input from Left to right, performing Left most derivation of the sentence.
Option C: LALR is more powerful than SLR.
Option D: An ambiguous grammar can never be LR (k) for any k, because LR(k) algorithm aren’t designed to handle ambiguous grammars. It would get stuck into undecidability problem, if employed upon an ambiguous grammar, no matter how large the constant k is.
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October 18, 2023
October 18, 2023


Question 90

Which of the following statements is false?

An unambiguous grammar has same leftmost and rightmost derivation
An LL(1) parser is a top-down parser
LALR is more powerful than SLR
An ambiguous grammar can never be LR(k) for any k
Question 90 Explanation: 
Option B: LL parser is a top-down parser for a subset of context-free languages. It parses the input from Left to right, performing Left most derivation of the sentence.
Option C: LALR is more powerful than SLR.
Option D: An ambiguous grammar can never be LR (k) for any k, because LR(k) algorithm aren’t designed to handle ambiguous grammars. It would get stuck into undecidability problem, if employed upon an ambiguous grammar, no matter how large the constant k is.
Correct Answer: A
Question 90 Explanation: 
Option B: LL parser is a top-down parser for a subset of context-free languages. It parses the input from Left to right, performing Left most derivation of the sentence.
Option C: LALR is more powerful than SLR.
Option D: An ambiguous grammar can never be LR (k) for any k, because LR(k) algorithm aren’t designed to handle ambiguous grammars. It would get stuck into undecidability problem, if employed upon an ambiguous grammar, no matter how large the constant k is.
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