Question 10139 – Theory-of-Computation
December 6, 2023
Question 10141 – Theory-of-Computation
December 6, 2023
Question 10139 – Theory-of-Computation
December 6, 2023
Question 10141 – Theory-of-Computation
December 6, 2023

Question 10140 – Theory-of-Computation

Define for a context free language L ⊆ {0,1}*, init(L) = {u ∣ uv ∈ L for some v in {0,1}∗} (in other words, init(L) is the set of prefixes of L)
Let L = {w ∣ w is nonempty and has an equal number of 0’s and 1’s}
Then init(L) is

Correct Answer: B

Question 15 Explanation: 
(B) is the answer. Because for any binary string of 0’s and 1’s we can append another string to make it contain equal no. of 0’s and 1’s, i.e., any string over {0,1} is a prefix of a string in L.
the set of all binary strings with unequal number of 0’s and 1’s
the set of all binary strings including the null string
the set of all binary strings with exactly one more 0’s than the number of 1’s or one more 1 than the number of 0’s
None of the above
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