October 15, 2023Digital-Logic-Design
October 15, 2023Digital-Logic-Design
Question 296
Consider the following gate network

Which one of the following gates is redundant?

Which one of the following gates is redundant?
Gate No. 1
Gate No. 2
Gate No. 3
Gate No. 4
Question 296 Explanation:
W’ + W’Z + Z’XY = W’(1+Z) + Z’XY
= W’ + Z’XY
The term W’Z is redundant which is represented by GATE 2.
= W’ + Z’XY
The term W’Z is redundant which is represented by GATE 2.
Correct Answer: B
Question 296 Explanation:
W’ + W’Z + Z’XY = W’(1+Z) + Z’XY
= W’ + Z’XY
The term W’Z is redundant which is represented by GATE 2.
= W’ + Z’XY
The term W’Z is redundant which is represented by GATE 2.