Question 1 |
A | 17160 |
In a pipeline with k-stages, number of cycles to execute n instructions = (k+n-1) cycles
Here k = 5, n = 100
So we need a total of 5+100-1 = 104 cycles.
Clock cycle time = maximum of all stage delays + register delay
= max(150, 120, 150, 160, 140) + 5 = 160+5 = 165 ns
Time in ns = 104*165 = 17160ns
Question 2 |
A | 17 |
Given that the main memory is 2^32 bytes. So the physical address is 32 bits long.
Since it is a direct mapped cache the physical address is divided into fields as (TAG, LINE, OFFSET).
Cache size is 32KB = 2^15 Bytes.
Block size is 64 bytes = 2^6 bytes, so OFFSET needs 6 bits.
Number of blocks in the cache = 2^15//2^6 = 2^9, So LINE number needs 9 bits.
TAG bits = 32 - 9 - 6 = 17 bits.
Question 3 |

Assume that the content of the memory location 5000 is 10, and the content of the register R3 is 3000. The content of each of the memory locations from 3000 to 3010 is 50. The instruction sequence starts from the memory location 1000. All the numbers are in decimal format. Assume that the memory is byte addressable.
After the execution of the program, the content of memory location 3010 is _______
A | 50 |
Register R1 will get value 10 from location 5000. So the loop in the given program will run for 10 times as the loop condition is based on ‘Dec R1’. When R1 is 0 then the loop terminates.
In these 10 iterations of the loop contents of memory locations 3000 to 3009 are changed as initial value of R3 is 3000 and in each iteration we update M[R3] ← R2 and the value of R3 is incremented to the next location 3001, 3002 etc.
But the value in location 3010 is unchanged and it will be the same as the initial value which is 50.
Question 4 |
State whether the following statements are True or False with reasons for your answer
(a) A subroutine cannot always be used to replace a macro in an assembly language program.
(b) A symbol declared as ‘external’ in assembly language is assigned an address outside the program by the assembler itself.
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 5 |
State whether the following statements are True or False with reasons for your answer:
(a) Coroutine is just another name for a subroutine.
(b) A two pass assembler uses its machine opcode table in the first pass of assembly.
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 6 |
Match the following items
A | (i) - (a), (ii) - (b), (iii) - (d), (iv) - (c) |
Question 7 |
State True or False with one line explanation
Expanding opcode instruction formats are commonly employed in RISC. (Reduced Instruction Set Computers) machines.
A | True |
B | False |
Now the challenge is: How to fit multiple sets of instructions types into limited or fixed size instruction format.
Here comes expanding opcode into the picture, So RISC system uses expanding opcode technique to have fixed size instructions.
Question 8 |
State True or False with one line explanation
A FSM (Finite State Machine) can be designed to add two integers of any arbitrary length (arbitrary number of digits).
A | True |
B | False |
→ q0: Start state to represent carry bit is 0.
→ q1: State to represent carry bit is 1.
The inputs to the FA will be pairs of bits, i.e., 00, 01, 10, 11.

The FA starts in state 1 (since carry is 0) and inputs a pair of bits. If the pair is 11, the FA outputs a '0' and switches to state 2 (since the carry is 1), where the next pair of bits is input and is added to a carry bit of 1.
Question 9 |
State True or False with one line explanation
Multiplexing of address/data lines in 8085 microprocessor reduces the instruction
execution time.
A | True |
B | False |
The major reason of multiplexing address and data bus is to reduce the number of pins for address and data and dedicate those pins for other several functions of micro-processor.
Question 10 |
Which one of the following statements is true?
A | Macro definitions cannot appear within other macro definitions in assembly language programs |
B | Overlaying is used to run a program which is longer than the address space of computer |
C | Virtual memory can be used to accommodate a program which is longer than the address space of a computer |
D | It is not possible to write interrupt service routines in a high level language |
Question 11 |
A sequence of two instructions that multiplies the contents of the DE register pair by 2 and stores the result in the HL register pair (in 8085 assembly language) is:
A | XCHG and DAD B |
B | XTHL and DAD H |
C | PCHL and DAD D |
D | XCHG and DAD H |
Question 12 |
The following is an 8085 assembly language program:
(a) What does the program do?
(b) What are the contents of registers A and B initially?
(c) What are the contents of HL register pair after the execution of the program?
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 13 |
If the overhead for formatting a disk is 96 bytes for 4000 byte sector,
(a) Compute the unformatted capacity of the disk for the following parameters:
Number of surfaces: 8 Outer diameter of the disk: 12 cm Inner diameter of the disk: 4 cm Inter track space: 0.1 mm Number of sectors per track: 20
(b) if the disk in (a) is rotating at 360 rpm, determine the effective data transfer rate which is defined as the number of bytes transferred per second between disk and memory.
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 14 |
A computer system has a 4K word cache organized in block-set-associative manner with 4 blocks per set, 64 words per block. The number of its in the SET and WORD fields of the main memory address format is:
A | 15, 40 |
B | 6, 4 |
C | 7, 2 |
D | 4, 6 |
So we need 4 set bits.
64 words per block means WORD bit is 6-bits.
So, answer is option (D).
Question 15 |
The capacity of a memory unit is defined by the number of words multiplied by the number of bits/word. How many separate address and data lines are needed for a memory of 4K × 16?
A | 10 address, 16 data lines |
B | 11 address, 8 data lines |
C | 12 address, 16 data lines |
D | 12 address, 12 data lines |
m = no. of address lines
n = no. of data lines
Given, 4K × 16 = 212 × 16
Address lines = 12
Data lines = 16
Question 16 |
What are x and y in the following macro definition?
macro Add x,y Load y Mul x Store y end macro
A | Variables |
B | Identifiers |
C | Actual parameters |
D | Formal parameters |
Question 17 |
The principle of locality justifies the use of
A | interrupts |
B | DMA |
C | Polling |
D | Cache Memory |
→ The things which are used more frequently those are stored in locality of reference.
→ For this purpose we use the cache memory.
Question 18 |
In a vectored interrupt
A | the branch address is assigned to a fixed location in memory |
B | the interrupt source supplies the branch information to the processor through an interrupt vector |
C | the branch address is obtained from a register in the processor |
D | none of the above |
Question 19 |
A single instruction to clear the lower four bits of the accumulator in 8085 assembly language?
→ The XOR's don't reliably clear random bits and ANI OF clears the upper nibble, not the lower nibble.
Question 20 |
On a non-pipelined sequential processor, a program segment, which is a part of the interrupt service routine, is given to transfer 500 bytes from an I/O device to memory.
Initialize the address register Initialize the count to 500 LOOP: Load a byte from device Store in memory at address given by address register Increment the address register Decrement the count If count != 0 go to LOOP
Assume that each statement in this program is equivalent to machine instruction which takes one clock cycle to execute if it is a non-load/store instruction. The load-store instructions take two clock cycles to execute. The designer of the system also has an alternate approach of using DMA controller to implement the same transfer. The DMA controller requires 20 clock cycles for initialization and other overheads. Each DMA transfer cycle takes two clock cycles to transfer one byte of data from the device to the memory. What is the approximate speedup when the DMA controller based design is used in place of the interrupt driven program based input-output?
A | 3.4 |
B | 4.4 |
C | 5.1 |
D | 6.7 |
using DMA = 20 + 500 × 2 = 1020
Required speed up = 3502/1020 = 3.4
Question 21 |
An 8KB direct-mapped write-back cache is organized as multiple blocks, each of size 32-bytes. The processor generates 32-bit addresses. The cache controller maintains the tag information for each cache block comprising of the following.
1 Valid bit
1 Modified bit
As many bits as the minimum needed to identify the memory block mapped in the cache. What is the total size of memory needed at the cache controller to store meta-data (tags) for the cache?
A | 4864 bits |
B | 6144 bits |
C | 6656 bits |
D | 5376 bits |
So we need 8 bits for indexing the 256 blocks in the cache. And since a block is 32 bytes we need 5 word bits to address each byte.
So out of remaining (32 - 8 - 5), 19 bits should be tag bits.
So tag entry size = 19 + 1 (valid bit) + 1 (modified bit) = 21 bits
∴ Total size of metadata = 21 × Number blocks = 21 × 256 = 5376 bits
Question 22 |
An application loads 100 libraries at startup. Loading each library requires exactly one disk access. The seek time of the disk to a random location is given as 10 ms. Rotational speed of disk is 6000 rpm. If all 100 libraries are loaded from random locations on the disk, how long does it take to load all libraries? (The time to transfer data from the disk block once the head has been positioned at the start of the block may be neglected).
A | 0.50 s |
B | 1.50 s |
C | 1.25 s |
D | 1.00 s |
= 10ms + (60/12000)+0
For 100 libraries = 100(10ms + (60/12000)+0) = 1.5seconds
Question 23 |
Consider an instruction pipeline with four stages (S1, S2, S3 and S4) each with combinational circuit only. The pipeline registers are required between each stage and at the end of the last stage. Delays for the stages and for the pipeline registers are as given in the figure:

What is the approximate speed up of the pipeline in steady state under ideal conditions when compared to the corresponding non-pipeline implementation?
A | 4.0 |
B | 2.5 |
C | 1.1 |
D | 3.0 |
Clock cycle time of pipelining
= max (5ns, 6ns, 11ns, 8ns) + 1ns
= 11 + 1
= 12ns
Time without pipelining = 5 + 6 + 11 + 8 = 30 ns
∴ Speedup = 30/12 = 2.5
Question 24 |
A computer handles several interrupt sources of which the following are relevant for this question.
- . Interrupt from CPU temperature sensor (raises interrupt if
CPU temperature is too high)
. Interrupt from Mouse(raises interrupt if the mouse is moved or a button is pressed)
. Interrupt from Keyboard(raises interrupt when a key is pressed or released)
. Interrupt from Hard Disk(raises interrupt when a disk read is completed)
Which one of these will be handled at the HIGHEST priority?
A | Interrupt from Hard Dist |
B | Interrupt from Mouse |
C | Interrupt from Keyboard |
D | Interrupt from CPU temperature sensor |
Therefore, we can say that priorities are,
CPU temperature sensor > Hard disk > Mouse > Keyboard.
Question 25 |
Consider a hypothetical processor with an instruction of type LW R1, 20 (R2), which during execution reads a 32-bit word from memory and stores it in a 32-bit register R1. The effective address of the memory location is obtained by the addition of constant 20 and the contents of register R2. Which of the following best reflects the addressing mode implemented by this instruction for the operand memory?
A | Immediate Addressing |
B | Register Addressing |
C | Register Indirect Scaled Addressing |
D | Base Indexed Addressing |
Question 26 |
A processor has 64 registers and uses 16-bit instruction format. It has two types of instructions: I-type and R-type. Each I-type instruction contains an opcode, a register name, and a 4-bit immediate value. Each R-type instruction contains an opcode and two register names. If there are 8 distinct I-type opcodes, then the maximum number of distinct R-type opcodes is _____.
A | 14 |
All possible binary combinations = 216
There are 64 registers, so no. of bits needed to identify a register = 6
I-type instruction has (Opcode+Register+4-bit immediate value). There are 8 distinct I-type instructions.
All the binary combinations possible with the I-type instructions are = 8*26*24 = 213
R-type instructions have 2 register operands.
Let x be the number of R-type instructions.
All the possible binary combinations of R-type instructions = x*26*26 = x*212
The sum of I-type and R-type binary combinations should be equal to 216.
x*212 + 213 = 216
212 (x+2) = 216
x+2 = 24
x = 16 - 2 = 14
Question 27 |
A computer system with a word length of 32 bits has a 16 MB byte-addressable main memory and a 64 KB, 4-way set associative cache memory with a block size of 256 bytes. Consider the following four physical addresses represented in hexadecimal notation.
A1 = 0x42C8A4, A2 = 0x546888, A3 = 0x6A289C, A4 = 0x5E4880
Which one of the following is TRUE?
A | A1 and A4 are mapped to different cache sets. |
B | A1 and A3 are mapped to the same cache set. |
C | A3 and A4 are mapped to the same cache set. |
D | A2 and A3 are mapped to the same cache set. |
The word length is given as 32 bits and the physical addresses mentioned are all contain 6 hexadecimal digits, so the the physical address is 32 bits long.
Block size is 256 bytes, block offset = 8 bits as it is a byte addressable memory.
Cache size = 64KB
Number of blocks in the cache = 64KB/256B = 256
It is a 4-way set associative cache, so no. of sets in the cache = 256/4 = 64 = 26
In the physical address we need 6 bits for the SET number.
TAG bits = 32 - 6 - 8 = 18
So the 32 bits physical address is divided as (18 TAG bits + 6 SET number bits + 8 OFFSET bits)
Since in all the options we are asked about SET numbers of the given addresses, we need to find the SET number of each of the addresses.
A1 = 0x42C8A4, here SET number is (00 1000) which includes the last 2 bits of C(1100) and binary representation of 8 (1000).
A2 = 0x546888, here SET number is (10 1000) which includes the last 2 bits of 6(0110) and binary representation of 8 (1000).
A3 = 0x6A289C here SET number is (10 1000) which includes the last 2 bits of 2(0010) and binary representation of 8 (1000).
A4 = 0x5E4880 here SET number is (00 1000) which includes the last 2 bits of 4 (0100) and binary representation of 8 (1000).
From the given options option-4 is TRUE as A2, A3 are mapped to the same cache SET.
Question 28 |
Consider a non-pipelined processor operating at 2.5 GHz. It takes 5 clock cycles to complete an instruction. You are going to make a 5-stage pipeline out of this processor. Overheads associated with pipelining force you to operate the pipelined processor at 2 GHz. In a given program, assume that 30% are memory instructions, 60% are ALU instructions and the rest are branch instructions. 5% of the memory instructions cause stalls of 50 clock cycles each due to cache misses and 50% of the branch instructions cause stalls of 2 cycles each. Assume that there are no stalls associated with the execution of ALU instructions. For this program, the speedup achieved by the pipelined processor over the non-pipelined processor (round off to 2 decimal places) is _____.
A | 2.16 |
It is given that each instruction takes 5 clock cycles to execute in the non-pipelined architecture, so time taken to execute each instruction = 5 * 0.4 = 2ns
In the pipelined architecture the clock cycle time = 1/2G = 0.5 ns
In the pipelined architecture there are stalls due to memory instructions and branch instructions.
In the pipeline, the updated clocks per instruction CPI = (1 + stall frequency due to memory operations * stalls of memory instructions + stall frequency due to branch operations * stalls due to branch instructions)
Out of the total instructions , 30% are memory instructions. Out of those 30%, only 5% cause stalls of 50 cycles each.
Stalls per instruction due to memory operations = 0.3*0.05*50 = 0.75
Out of the total instructions 10% are branch instructions. Out of those 10% of instructions 50% of them cause stalls of 2 cycles each.
Stalls per instruction due to branch operations = 0.1*0.5*2 = 0.1
The updated CPI in pipeline = 1 + 0.75 + 0.1 = 1.85
The execution time in the pipeline = 1.85 * 0.5 = 0.925 ns
The speed up = Time in non-pipelined architecture / Time in pipelined architecture = 2 / 0.925 = 2.16
Question 29 |
Consider the following data path diagram.

Consider an instruction: R0 ← R1 + R2. The following steps are used to execute it over the given data path. Assume that PC is incremented appropriately. The subscripts r and w indicate read and write operations, respectively.
1. R2r, TEMP1r, ALUadd, TEMP2w 2. R1r, TEMP1w 3. PCr, MARw, MEMr 4. TEMP2r, ROw 5. MDRr, IRw
Which one of the following is the correct order of execution of the above steps?
A | 3, 5, 1, 2, 4
B | 3, 5, 2, 1, 4
C | 1, 2, 4, 3, 5 |
D | 2, 1, 4, 5, 3
First the PC value has to be moved into MAR (step-3 from the given sequence), then the instruction has to be fetched(step-5 from the given sequence). Then Temp1 is loaded with the value of R1 (step-2 from the given sequence), then the addition operation is performed by accessing the R2 value directly and adding it to Temp1 value and storing the result in Temp2 (step-1 from the given sequence).
Finally the result from Temp2 is stored in R0 (step-4 from the given sequence).
Hence the correct sequence is (3, 5, 2, 1, 4).
Question 30 |
A direct mapped cache memory of 1 MB has a block ize of 256 bytes. The cache has an access time of 3 ns and a hit rate of 94%. During a cache miss, it takes 20 ns to bring the first word of a block from the main memory, while each subsequent word takes 5 ns. The word size is 64 bits. The average memory access time in ns (round off to 1 decimal place) is _____.
A | 13.5 |
Hit ratio of cache = 0.94
Word size is 64 bits = 8 bytes.
Cache line size = 256 bytes = 32 words
Main memory access time = 20ns(time for first word) + 155ns(time for remaining 31 words, 31*5 = 155ns) = 175 ns
Average access time = h1*t1 + (1-h1)(t1+t2) = t1 +(1-h1)t2
⇒ 3 + (0.06)(175) = 13.5 ns
Question 31 |
Consider the following statements.
- I. Daisy chaining is used to assign priorities in attending interrupts.
II. When a device raises a vectored interrupt, the CPU does polling to identify the source of the interrupt.
III. In polling, the CPU periodically checks the status bits to know if any device needs its attention.
IV. During DMA, both the CPU and DMA controller can be bus masters at the same time.
Which of the above statements is/are TRUE?
A | I and IV only |
B | I and II only
C | III only |
D | I and III only
Statement-II is false as vectored interrupt doesn’t involve polling but non-vectored interrupt involves polling.
Statement-III is true as polling means that CPU periodically checks the status bits to know if any device needs attention.
Statement-IV is false as during DMA only one of the CPU or DMA can be bus master at a time.
Question 32 |
A computer system has a three level memory hierarchy, with access time and hit ratios as shown below:
(a) What should be the minimum sizes of level 1 and 2 memories to achieve an average access time of less than 100 nsec?
(b) What is the average access time achieved using the chosen sizes of level 1 and level 2 memories?
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 33 |
A hard disk is connected to a 50 MHz processor through a DMA controller. Assume that the initial set-up of a DMA transfer takes 1000 clock cycles for the processor, and assume that the handling of the interrupt at DMA completion requires 500 clock cycles for the processor. The hard disk has a transfer rate of 2000 Kbytes/sec and average block transferred is 4 K bytes. What fraction of the processor time is consumed by the disk, if the disk is actively transferring 100% of the time?

A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 34 |
Consider the following program in pseudo-pascal syntax. What is printed by the program if parameter a in procedure test 1 is passed as
(i) call-by-reference parameter
(ii) call-by-value-result parameter
program Example (input, output) var b: integer; procedure test2: begin b:=10; end procedure test1 (a:integer): begin a:=5; writeln ('point 1: ', a, b); test2; writeln ('point 2: ', a, b); end begin(*Example*) b:=3; test1(b); writeln('point3:', b); end
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 35 |
An 8052 based system has an output port with address 00H. Consider the following assembly language program.
(a) What does the program do with respect to the output port 00H?
(b) Show the wave forms at the three least significant bits of the port 00H.
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 36 |
A micro program control unit is required to generate a total of 25 control signals. Assume that during any microinstruction, at most two control signals are active. Minimum number of bits required in the control word to generate the required control signals will be
A | 2 |
B | 2.5 |
C | 10 |
D | 12 |
= 5+5
= 10 bits
Question 37 |
Number of machine cycles required for RET instruction in 8085 microprocessor is
A | 1 |
B | 2 |
C | 3 |
D | 5 |
2 for stack operation.
Total no. of cycles = 2+1 = 3
Question 38 |
For the daisy chain scheme of connecting I/O devices, which of the following statements is true?
A | It gives non-uniform priority to various devices. |
B | It gives uniform priority to all devices |
C | It is only useful for connecting slow devices to a processor device. |
D | It requires a separate interrupt pin on the processor for each device. |
→ In this all devices connected serially.
→ High priority devices placed first, followed by low priority devices.
Question 39 |
Relative mode of addressing is most relevant to writing
A | coroutines |
B | position – independent code |
C | shareable code |
D | interrupt handlers |
Question 40 |
The expression (a*b)* c op....
where 'op' is one of '+', '*' and '↑' (exponentiation) can be evaluated on a CPU with a single register without storing the value of (a * b) if
A | ‘op’ is ’+’ or ‘*’ |
B | ‘op’ is ’↑’ or ‘*’ |
C | ‘op’ is ’↑’ or ‘+’ |
D | not possible to evaluate without storing |
(a*b)*c + d
(a*b)*c * d
(a*b)*c ∧ d
In any case, brackets has the highest priority always. So I have to compute brackets first. Now, for + and *, I can do the rest of the operation and save results in the same register. But for exponentiation, I have to store the result of a*b, then do the computation of c∧d, then multiply these two results.
Hence, (A) is correct.
Question 41 |
A micro instruction into be designed to specify
- (a) none or one of the three micro operations of one kind and
(b) none or upto six micro operations of another kind
The minimum number of bits in the micro-instruction is
A | 9 |
B | 5 |
C | 8 |
D | None of the above |
So, no. of bits required
⌈log2 (3)⌉ = 2
(b) This is a horizontal micro-programming because at any given time atmost six micro-operations will be activated.
So, no. of bits required = 6
So, total minimum no. of bits required = 6+2 = 8
Question 42 |
Contents of A register after the execution of the following 8085 microprocessor program is
A | 7AH |
B | 80H |
C | 50H |
D | 22H |
Question 43 |
When an interrupt occurs, an operating system
A | ignores the interrupt |
B | always changes state of interrupted process after processing the interrupt |
C | always resumes execution of interrupted process after processing the interrupt
D | may change state of interrupted process to 'blocked’ and schedule another process
Option B: Not always.
Option C: Not always. If some high priority interrupt comes during execution of current interrupt then it fails.
Option D: It is True always.
Question 44 |
Purpose of a start bit in RS 232 serial communication protocol is
A | to synchronize receiver for receiving every byte |
B | to synchronize receiver for receiving a sequence of bytes |
C | a parity bit |
D | to synchronize receiver for receiving the last byte |
Question 45 |
The correct matching for the following pairs is
(A) DMA I/O (1) High speed RAM (B) Cache (2) Disk (C) Interrupt I/O (3) Printer (D) Condition Code Register (4) ALU
A | A – 4 B – 3 C – 1 D – 2 |
B | A – 2 B – 1 C – 3 D – 4
C | A – 4 B – 3 C – 2 D – 1 |
D | A – 2 B – 3 C – 4 D – 1 |
Cache → High speed RAM
Interrupt I/O → Printer
Condition code register → ALU
Question 46 |
RST 7.5 interrupt in 8085 microprocessor executes the interrupt service routine from interrupt vector location
A | 0000H |
B | 0075H |
C | 003CH |
D | 0034H |
→ 60 in hexa decimal is 003CH.
Question 47 |
For a set-associative Cache Organization, the parameters are as follows:
- tc -- Cache access tine
tm -- Main memory access time
l -- number of sets
b -- block size
k*b -- set size
Calculate the hit ratio for a loop executed 100 times where the size of the loop is n * b and n= k * m is a non-zero integer and 1 < m ≤ l.
Given the value of the hit ratio for l = 1.
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 48 |
(a) Draw the schematic of an 8085 based system that can be used to measure the width of a pulse. Assume that the pulse is given as a TTL compatible signal by the source which generates it.
(b) Write the 8085 Assembly Language program to measure the width of the pulse. State all your assumption clearly.
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 49 |
Calculate the total time required to read 35 sectors on a 2-sided floppy disk. Assume that each track has 8 sectors and the track-to-track step time is 8 milliseconds. The first sector to be read is sector 3 on track 10. Assume that the diskette is soft stored and the controller has a 1-sector buffer. The diskette spins at 300 RPM and initially, the head is on track 10.
A | Theory Explanation. |
Question 50 |
The address space of 8086 CPU is
A | one Megabyte |
B | 256 Kilobytes |
C | 1 K Megabytes |
D | 64 Kilobytes |