
Question 1
Suppose that L1is a regular language and L2is a context free language. Which one of the following languages is NOT necessarily context free?
L1. L2
L1 ∪ L2
L1 ∩ L2
L1 − L2
Question 1 Explanation: 

L1. L2 =>  regular . CFL  == CFL. CFL  (as every regular is CFL so we can assume regular as CFL)

Since CFL is closed under concatenation so 



Regular . CFL = CFL is true


L1 ∪ L2 => Regular ∪ CFL = CFL 

Regular ∪ CFL = CFL ∪ CFL  (as every regular is CFL so we can assume regular as CFL)


Since CFL is closed under union 

Hence Regular ∪ CFL = CFL   is true


L1 ∩ L2 => Regular ∩ CFL = CFL 

Regular languages are closed under intersection with any language


Regular ∩ L = L  (where L is any language such as CFL, CSL etc)


Hence Regular ∩ CFL = CFL  is true


Please note this is a special property of regular languages so we will not upgrade regular into CFL (as we did in S1 and S2). We can directly use these closure properties.


L1 − L2 => Regular − CFL = CFL 

=> Regular − CFL = regular ∩ CFL (complement)

Since CFL is not closed under complement so complement of CFL may or may not be CFL


Hence Regular − CFL need not be CFL


For ex:

R= (a+b+c)*  and L= {am bn ck | m ≠ n or n ≠ k} which is CFL.


The complement of L = {an bn cn | n>0} which is CSL but not CFL.



R L = (a+b+c)* {am bn ck | m ≠ n or n ≠ k}


=> (a+b+c)* ∩  L (complement) 

=> (a+b+c)* ∩  {an bn cn | n>0}

=> {an bn cn | n>0}


Which is CSL. Hence Regular − CFL need not be CFL.

Question 2
Let <M> denote an encoding of an automaton M. Suppose that Σ = {0,1}. Which of the following languages is/are NOT recursive?
L = { | M is a DFA such that L(M) = Σ*}
L = { | M is a DFA such that L(M) = ∅}
L = { | M is a PDA such that L(M) = Σ*}
L = { | M is a PDA such that L(M) = ∅}
Question 2 Explanation: 
Question 3
Consider the following language.

Question 3 Explanation: 

Option A accepts string “01111” which does not end with 011 hence wrong.

Option C accepts string “0111” which does not end with 011 hence wrong.

Option D accepts string “0110” which does not end with 011 hence wrong.

Option B is correct.


The NFA for language in which all strings ends with “011”

Question 4
 For a Turing machine M, <M> denotes an encoding of M. Consider the following two languages.
        L1=〈M〉|M takes more than 2021 steps on all inputs
L2=〈M〉|M takes more than 2021 steps on some input
Which one of the following options is correct?
Both L1and L2 are undecidable.
L1is undecidable and L2is decidable.
L1is decidable and L2is undecidable.
Both L1and L2 are decidable.
Question 4 Explanation: 

L1 is decidable. 

We can take all strings of length zero to length 2021.

If TM takes more than 2021 steps on above inputs then definitely it will take more than 2021 steps on all input greater than length 2021.

If TM takes less than 2021 steps:

In such a case suppose TM  takes less than 2021 steps (let's say  2020 steps ) for string length 2021, 2022, 2023, then definitely TM  will take 2020 steps for all input greater than 2023. Hence in both cases it is decidable.


Similarly L2 is also decidable. If we can decide for all inputs then we can decide for some inputs also.

Question 5
Question 5 Explanation: 

Question 6

(a) Given a set
S = {x| there is an x-block of 5's in the decimal expansion of π}
(Note: x-block is a maximal block of x successive 5’s)
Which of the following statements is true with respect to S? No reasons need to be given for the answer.

    (i) S is regular
    (ii) S is recursively enumerable
    (iii) S is not recursively enumerable
    (iv) S is recursive

(b) Given that a language L1 is regular and that the language L1 ∪ L2 is regular, is the language L2 always regular? Prove your answer.

Theory Explanation.
Question 7

A grammar G is in Chomsky-Normal Form (CNF) if all its productions are of the form A → BC or A → a, where A, B and C, are non-terminals and a is a terminal. Suppose G is a CFG in CNF and w is a string in L(G) of length, then how long is a derivation of w in G?

Theory Explanation.
Question 8

Every subset of a countable set is countable.
State whether the above statement is true or false with reason.

Question 8 Explanation: 
Because if a set itself is countable then the subset of set is definitely countable.
Question 9

The regular expression for the language recognized by the finite state automaton of figure is __________

L = 0*1*
Question 9 Explanation: 
L = 0*1*
L contains all binary strings where a 1 is not followed by a 0.
Question 10

Which of the following features cannot be captured by context-free grammars?

Syntax of if-then-else statements
Syntax of recursive procedures
Whether a variable has been declared before its use
Variable names of arbitrary length
Question 10 Explanation: 
Context free grammars are used to represent syntactic rules while designing a compiler.
Syntactic rules not checking the meaningful things such as if a variable is declared before it use (or) not.
Like this, things are handled by semantic analysis phase.
Question 11

Which of the following conversions is not possible (algorithmically)?

Regular grammar to context free grammar
Non-deterministic FSA to deterministic FSA
Non-deterministic PDA to deterministic PDA
Non-deterministic Turing machine to deterministic Turing machine
Question 11 Explanation: 
NPDA to DPDA conversion is not possible. They have different powers.
Question 12

Let L be a language over ∑ i.e., *L ≤ ∑ . Suppose L satisfies the two conditions given below
(i) L is in NP and
(ii) For every n, there is exactly one string of length n that belongs to L.
Let Lc be the complement of L over ∑*. Show that Lc is also in NP.

Theory Explanation.
Question 13

Let Σ = {0,1}, L = Σ* and R = {0n1n such that n >0} then the languages L ∪ R and R are respectively

regular, regular
not regular, regular
regular, not regular
not regular, no regular
Question 13 Explanation: 
L∪R is nothing but L itself. Because R is subset of L and hence regular. R is deterministic context free but not regular as we require a stack to keep the count of 0's to make that of 1's.
Question 14

A finite state machine with the following state table has a single input x and a single out z.

If the initial state is unknown, then the shortest input sequence to reach the final state C is:

Question 14 Explanation: 

If A is the start state, shortest sequence is 10 'or' 00 to reach C.
If B is the start state, shortest sequence is 0 to reach C.
If C is the start state, shortest sequence is 10 or 00 to reach C.
If D is the start state, shortest sequence is 0 to reach C.
∴ (B) is correct.
Question 15

Which of the following definitions below generates the same language as L, where L = {xnyn such that n >= 1}?

 I. E → xEy|xy
 II. xy|(x+xyy+)
 III. x+y+ 
I only
I and II
II and III
II only
Question 15 Explanation: 
(I) is the correct definition and the other two is wrong because the other two can have any no. of x and y. There is no such restriction over the number of both being equal.
Question 16

In some programming languages, an identifier is permitted to be a letter following by any number of letters or digits. If L and D denote the sets of letters and digits respectively, which of the following expressions defines an identifier?

(L ∪ D)+
L(L ∪ D)*
Question 16 Explanation: 
Which is to be letter followed by any number of letters (or) digits
L(L ∪ D)*
Question 17

Consider a grammar with the following productions

S → a∝b|b∝c| aB
S → ∝S|b
S → ∝b b|ab
S ∝ → bd b|b 

The above grammar is:

Context free
Context sensitive
Question 17 Explanation: 
S ∝→ [violates context free]
Because LHS must be single non-terminal symbol.
S ∝→ b [violates CSG]
→ Length of RHS production must be atleast same as that of LHS.
Extra information is added to the state by redefining iteams to include a terminal symbol as second component in this type of grammar.
Ex: [A → αβa]
A → αβ is a production, a is a terminal (or) right end marker $, such an object is called LR(k).
So, answer is (D) i.e., LR(k).
Question 18

Consider the languages L1,L2 and L3 as given below.

    L1 = {0p1q|p,q∈N},
    L2 = {0p1q|p,q∈N and p=q} and
    L3 = {0p1q0r|p,q,r∈N and p=q=r}.

Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

Push Down Automate (PDA) can be used to recognize L1 and L2
L1 is a regular language
All the three languages are context free
Turing machines can be used to recognize all the languages
Question 18 Explanation: 
L1: regular language
L2: context free language
L3: context sensitive language
Question 19

A deterministic finite automation (DFA) D with alphabet Σ={a,b} is given below.

Which of the following finite state machines is a valid minimal DFA which accepts the same language as D?

Question 19 Explanation: 
(A) True.
(B) False, as it accepts string 'b', which is not accepted by original DFA.
(C) Same reason as (B).
(D) False, as it accepts string 'bba' which is not accepted by the given DFA.
Question 20

Definition of a language L with alphabet {a} is given as following.

L = {ank| k>0, and n is a positive integer constant}

What is the minimum number of states needed in a DFA to recognize L?

Question 20 Explanation: 
Given that n is a constant.
So lets check of n = 2,
L = a2k, k>0
Since k>0 than zero.
So L is the language accepting even no. of a's except 'ε'.
So DFA will be,

So, no. of states required is 2+1 = 3.
So for ank, (n+1) states will be required.
Question 21

Which of the following pairs have DIFFERENT expressive power?

Deterministic finite automata (DFA) and Non-deterministic finite automata (NFA)
Deterministic push down automata (DPDA) and Non-deterministic push down automata (NFDA)
Deterministic single-tape Turning machine and Non-deterministic single tape Turning machine
Single-tape Turning machine and multi-tape Turning machine
Question 21 Explanation: 
NPDA is more powerful than DPDA.
Hence answer is (B).
Question 22

Let P be a regular language and Q be a context-free language such that Q ⊆ P. (For example, let P be the language represented by the regular expression p*q* and Q be [pnqn | n ∈ N]). Then which of the following is ALWAYS regular?

P ∩ Q
P – Q
Σ* – P
Σ* – Q
Question 22 Explanation: 
Exp: Σ* - P is the complement of P so it is always regular,
since regular languages are closed under complementation.
Question 23

Consider the following language.

   L = {x ∈ {a,b}* | number of a’s in x is divisible by 2 but not divisible by 3} 

The minimum number of states in a DFA that accepts L is ______.

Question 23 Explanation: 
DFA 1: No. of a’s divisible by 2.

DFA 1: No. of a’s not divisible by 3

Using product automata:
Question 24

Consider the following languages.

    L1 = {wxyx | w,x,y ∈ (0 + 1)+}
    L2 = {xy | x,y ∈ (a + b)*, |x| = |y|, x ≠ y}

Which one of the following is TRUE?

L1 is context-free but not regular and L2 is context-free.
Neither L1 nor L2 is context-free.
L1 is regular and L2 is context-free.
L1 is context-free but L2 is not context-free.
Question 24 Explanation: 
L1 is regular. y can be expanded and w can also expanded. So x can be either "a" or "b".
So it is equivalent to
(a+b)+ a (a+b)+ a + (a+b)+ b (a+b)+ b
L2 is CFL since it is equivalent to complement of L=ww.
Complement of L=ww is CFL.
Question 25

Which of the following languages are undecidable? Note that indicates encoding of the Turing machine M.

    L1 = | L(M) = Φ}
    L2 = {| M on input w reaches state q in exactly 100 steps}
    L3 = {| L(M) is not recursive}
    L4 = {| L(M) contains at least 21 members}
L2 and L3 only
L1 and L3 only
L2, L3 and L4 only
L1, L3 and L4 only
Question 25 Explanation: 
L1 is undecidable as emptiness problem of Turing machine is undecidable. L3 is undecidable since there is no algorithm to check whether a given TM accept recursive language. L4 is undecidable as it is similar to membership problem.
Only L3 is decidable. We can check whether a given TM reach state q in exactly 100 steps or not. Here we have to check only upto 100 steps, so here is not any case of going to infinite loop.
Question 26

Which one of the following regular expressions represents the set of all binary strings with an odd number of 1’s?

((0 + 1)*1(0 + 1)*1)*10*
Question 26 Explanation: 
The regular expression 10*(0*10*10*)* always generate string begin with 1 and thus does not generate string “01110” hence wrong option.
The regular expression ((0+1)*1(0+1)*1)*10* generate string “11110” which is not having odd number of 1’s , hence wrong option.
The regular expression (0*10*10*)10* is not a generating string “01”. Hence this is also wrong . It seems none of them is correct.
NOTE: Option 3 is most appropriate option as it generates the max number of strings with odd 1’s.
But option 3 is not generating odd strings. So, still it is not completely correct.
The regular expression (0*10*10*)*0*1 always generates all string ends with “1” and thus does not generate string “01110” hence wrong option.
Question 27

Consider the following statements.

    I. If L1 ∪ L2 is regular, then both L1 and L2 must be regular.
    II. The class of regular languages is closed under infinite union.

Which of the above statements is/are TRUE?

Both I and II
II only
Neither I nor II
I only
Question 27 Explanation: 
Statement I is wrong.
Assume L1 = {an bn | n>0} and L2 = complement of L1
L1 and L2 both are DCFL but not regular, but L1 U L2 = (a+b)* which is regular.
Hence even though L1 U L2 is regular, L1 and L2 need not be always regular.
Statement II is wrong.
Assume the following finite (hence regular) languages.
L1 = {ab}
L2 = {aabb}
L3 = {aaabbb}
L100 = {a100 b100}
If we take infinite union of all above languages i.e,
{L1 U L2 U ……….L100 U ……}
then we will get a new language L = {an bn | n>0}, which is not regular.
Hence regular languages are not closed under infinite UNION.
Question 28

Consider the language L = {an| n≥0} ∪ {anbn| n≥0} and the following statements.

    I. L is deterministic context-free.
    II. L is context-free but not deterministic context-free.
    III. L is not LL(k) for any k.

Which of the above statements is/are TRUE?

II only
III only
I only
I and III only
Question 28 Explanation: 
L is DCFL.
We can make DPDA for this.

L is not LL(k) for any “k” look aheads. The reason is the language is a union of two languages which have common prefixes. For example strings {aa, aabb, aaa, aaabbb,….} present in language. Hence the LL(k) parser cannot parse it by using any lookahead “k” symbols.
Question 29

Let Q = ({q1,q2}, {a,b}, {a,b,Z}, δ, Z, ϕ) be a pushdown automaton accepting by empty stack for the language which is the set of all non empty even palindromes over the set {a,b}. Below is an incomplete specification of the transitions δ. Complete the specification. The top of the stack is assumed to be at the right end of the string representing stack contents.

(1) δ(q1,a,Z) = {(q1,Za)}
(2) δ(q1,b,Z) = {(q1,Zb)}
(3) δ(q1,a,a) = {(.....,.....)}
(4) δ(q1,b,b) = {(.....,.....)}
(5) δ(q2,a,a) = {(q2,ϵ)}
(6) δ(q2,b,b) = {(q2,ϵ)}
(7) δ(q2,ϵ,Z) = {(q2,ϵ)} 
Theory Explanation.
Question 30

Let G be a context-free grammar where G = ({S, A, B, C},{a,b,d},P,S) with the productions in P given below.

   S → ABAC
   A → aA ∣ ε
   B → bB ∣ ε
   C → d  

(ε denotes null string). Transform the grammar G to an equivalent context-free grammar G' that has no ε productions and no unit productions. (A unit production is of the form x → y, and x and y are non terminals.)

Theory Explanation.
Question 31

Consider the given figure of state table for a sequential machine. The number of states in the minimized machine will be

Question 31 Explanation: 
3 states are required in the minimized machine states B and C can be combined as follows:
Question 32

If L1 and L2 are context free languages and R a regular set, one of the languages below is not necessarily a context free language. Which one?

L1, L2
L1 ∩ L2
L1 ∩ R
L1 ∪ L2
Question 32 Explanation: 
Context free languages are not closed under intersection.
Question 33

Define for a context free language L ⊆ {0,1}*, init(L) = {u ∣ uv ∈ L for some v in {0,1}∗} (in other words, init(L) is the set of prefixes of L)
Let L = {w ∣ w is nonempty and has an equal number of 0’s and 1’s}
Then init(L) is

the set of all binary strings with unequal number of 0’s and 1’s
the set of all binary strings including the null string
the set of all binary strings with exactly one more 0’s than the number of 1’s or one more 1 than the number of 0’s
None of the above
Question 33 Explanation: 
(B) is the answer. Because for any binary string of 0's and 1's we can append another string to make it contain equal no. of 0's and 1's, i.e., any string over {0,1} is a prefix of a string in L.
Question 34

The grammar whose productions are

  → if id then 
  → if id then   else 
  → id := id 

is ambiguous because

the sentence
if a then if b then c:=d
the left most and right most derivations of the sentence
if a then if b then c:=d
give rise top different parse trees
the sentence
if a then if b then c:=d else c:=f
has more than two parse trees
the sentence
if a then if then c:=d else c:=f
has two parse trees
Question 34 Explanation: 
We have to generate
"if a then if b then c:=d else c:=f".
Parse tree 1:

Parse tree 2:
Question 35

Which of the following statements is false?

The Halting problem of Turing machines is undecidable.
Determining whether a context-free grammar is ambiguous is undecidbale.
Given two arbitrary context-free grammars G1 and G2 it is undecidable whether L(G1) = L(G2).
Given two regular grammars G1 and G2 it is undecidable whether L(G1) = L(G2).
Question 35 Explanation: 
Equivalence of regular languages is decidable under
1) Membership
2) Emtiness
3) Finiteness
4) Equivalence
5) Ambiguity
6) Regularity
7) Everything
8) Disjointness
All are decidable for Regular languages.
→ First 3 for CFL.
→ Only 1st for CSL and REC.
→ None for RE.
Question 36

Let L ⊆ Σ* where Σ = {a, b}. Which of the following is true?

L = {x|x has an equal number of a's and b's } is regular
L = {anbn|n≥1} is regular
L = {x|x has more a's and b's} is regular
L = {ambn|m ≥ 1, n ≥ 1} is regular
Question 36 Explanation: 
L = {ambn|m ≥ 1, n ≥ 1}
Here, m and n are independent.
So 'L' Is Regular.
Question 37

Which two of the following four regular expressions are equivalent? (ε is the empty string).

    (i) (00)*(ε+0)
    (ii) (00)*
    (iii) 0*
    (iv) 0(00)*
(i) and (ii)
(ii) and (iii)
(i) and (iii)
(iii) and (iv)
Question 37 Explanation: 
In these two, we have any no. of 0's as well as null.
Question 38

Which of the following languages over {a,b,c} is accepted by a deterministic pushdown automata?

 Note: wR  is the string obtained by reversing 'w'. 
{w⊂wR|w ∈ {a,b}*}
{wwR|w ∈ {a,b,c}*}
{anbncn|n ≥ 0}
{w|w is a palindrome over {a,b,c}}
Question 38 Explanation: 
(A) w⊂wR, can be realized using DPDA because we know the center of the string that is c here.
(B) wwR, is realized by NPDA because we can't find deterministically the center of palindrome string.
(C) {anbncn | n ≥ 0} is CSL.
(D) {w | w is palindrome over {a,b,c}},
is realized by NPDA because we can't find deterministically the center of palindrome string.
Question 39

Which one of the following regular expressions over {0,1} denotes the set of all strings not containing 100 as a substring?

Question 39 Explanation: 
(A) generates 100.
(B) generates 100 as substring.
(C) doesn't generate 1.
(D) answer.
Question 40

Which one of the following is not decidable?

Given a Turing machine M, a stings s and an integer k, M accepts s within k steps
Equivalence of two given Turing machines
Language accepted by a given finite state machine is not empty
Language generated by a context free grammar is non empty
Question 40 Explanation: 
(A) It is not halting problem. In halting problem number of steps can go upto infinity and that is the only reason why it becomes undecidable.
In (A) the number of steps is restricted to a finite number 'k' and simulating a TM for 'k' steps is trivially decidable because we just go to step k and output the answer.
(B) Equivalence of two TM's is undecidable.
For options (C) and (D) we do have well defined algorithms making them decidable.
Question 41

Given Σ = {a,b}, which one of the following sets is not countable?

Set of all strings over Σ
Set of all languages over Σ
Set of all regular languages over Σ
Set of all languages over Σ accepted by Turing machines
Question 41 Explanation: 
Uncountable: Set of all languages over Σ is uncountable.
Question 42

(a) An identifier in a programming language consists of upto six letters and digits of which the first character must be a letter. Derive a regular expression for the identifier.

(b) Build an LL(1) parsing table for the language defined by the LL(1) grammar with productions

Program → begin d semi X end
X → d semi X | sY
Y → semi s Y | ε 
Theory Explanation.
Question 43

(a) Let G1 = (N, T, P, S1) be a CFG where,
N = {S1, A, B}, T = {a,b} and
P is given by

         S1 → aS1b             S1 → aBb
         S1 → aAb              B → Bb
         A → aA                B → b
         A → a 

What is L(G1)?

(b) Use the grammar in part(a) to give a CFG
for L2 = {ai bj ak bl | i, j, k, l ≥ 1, i=j or k=l} by adding not more than 5 production rule.

(c) Is L2 inherently ambiguous?

Theory Explanation.
Question 44

Let M = ({q0, q1}, {0, 1}, {z0, x}, δ, q0, z0, ∅) be a pushdown automaton where δ is given by

    δ(q0, 1, z0) = {(q0, xz0)}
    δ(q0, ε, z0) = {(q0, ε)}
    δ(q0, 1, X) = {(q0, XX)}
    δ(q1, 1, X) = {(q1, ε)}
    δ(q0, 0, X) = {(q1, X)}
    δ(q0, 0, z0) = {(q0, z0)}

(a) What is the language accepted by this PDA by empty stack?

(b) Describe informally the working of the PDA.

Theory Explanation.
Question 45

Design a deterministic finite state automaton (using minimum number of states) that recognizes the following language:
L = {w ∈ {0,1}* | w interpreted as a binary number (ignoring the leading zeros) is divisible by 5}

Theory Explanation.
Question 46

Which of the following statements is false?

Every finite subset of a non-regular set is regular
Every subset of a regular set is regular
Every finite subset of a regular set is regular
The intersection of two regular sets is regular
Question 46 Explanation: 
Let regular language L = a*b* and subset of L is anbn, n ≥ 0, which is not regular. Hence option (B) is false.
Question 47

Let L be the set of all binary strings whose last two symbols are the same. The number of states in the minimum state deterministic finite 0 state automaton accepting L is

Question 47 Explanation: 

Equivalent DFA:

Hence, 5 states.
Question 48

How many sub strings of different lengths (non-zero) can be found formed from a character string of length n?

Question 48 Explanation: 
Let us consider an example S = {APB}
Possible sub-strings are = {A, P, B, AP, PB, BA, APB}
Go through the options.
Option D:
n(n+1)/2 = 3(3+1)/2 = 6
Question 49

Regarding  the power of recognition of languages, which of the following statements is false?

The non-deterministic finite-state automata are equivalent to deterministic finite-state automata.
Non-deterministic Push-down automata are equivalent to deterministic Push- down automata.
Non-deterministic Turing machines are equivalent to deterministic Push-down automata.
Both B and C
Question 49 Explanation: 
B: No conversion possible from NPDA to DPDA.
C: Power (TM) > NPDA > DPDA.
Question 50

The string 1101 does not belong to the set represented by

110*(0 + 1)
1 ( 0 + 1)* 101
(10)* (01)* (00 + 11)*
Both C and D
Question 50 Explanation: 
Options A & B are generates string 1101.
C & D are not generate string 1101.
There are 50 questions to complete.

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