December 23, 2023

Question 14209 – GATE 2021 CS-Set-1

Consider the following ANSI C function: int SimpleFunction (int Y[], int n, int x) {      int total = Y[0], loopIndex;      for (loopIndex = 1; loopIndex <= […]
December 23, 2023

Question 10395 – GATE 1993

The differential equation d2y/dx2 + dy/dx + siny = 0 is: Correct Answer: A Question 2 Explanation:  Note: Out of syllabus. d2y/dx2 + dy/dx + siny […]
December 24, 2023

Question 8882 – ISRO CS 2020

An aid to determine the deadlock occurrence is Correct Answer: A Question 13 Explanation:  Resource allocation graph (RAG) is a diagrammatic representation of processes and the […]
December 24, 2023

Question 8931 – ISRO CS 2020

Huffman tree is constructed for the following data: { A, B, C, D, E} with frequency {0.17, 0.11, 0.24, 0.33 and 0.15} respectively. 100 00 01 […]
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