January 23, 2024

Question 10803 – APPSC-2016-DL-CS

The minimum number of edges of a graph containing n vertices and c connected components is Correct Answer: A Question 1 Explanation:  We have to find […]
January 23, 2024

Question 10806 – APPSC-2016-DL-CS

Consider 4-character long codes generated by using an alphabet consisting of 8-characters with no restriction on the number of repetitions of a character in a code. […]
January 23, 2024

Question 10868 – APPSC-2016-DL-CS

In asynchronous serial transfer of characters, which of the following ordered pair of bits represents the used as delimiters for every character. Correct Answer: A A […]
January 24, 2024

Question 9235 – GATE 2007

Consider a disk pack with 16 surfaces, 128 tracks per surface and 256 sectors per track. 512 bytes of data are stored in a bit serial […]
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