January 9, 2024

Question 10633 – GATE 2008-IT

What Boolean function does the circuit below realize ? Correct Answer: B Question 9 Explanation:  f = (x’y’z’ + x’yz’+xy’z+xyz)’ = (x’z’ + xz)’ = x’z […]
January 9, 2024

Question 8630 – Data-Structures

Consider the tree arcs of a BFS traversal from a source node W in an unweighted, connected, undirected graph. The tree T formed by the tree arcs […]
January 9, 2024

Question 11068 – Set-Theory

Let A be a set with n elements. Let C be a collection of distinct subsets of A such that for any two subsets S1 and S2 in […]
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