May 17, 2024

Question 3925 – Compiler-Design

Code optimization is responsibility of : Correct Answer: B Question 231 Explanation:  Code optimization is responsibility of system programmer. A Application programmer B System programmer C […]
May 17, 2024

Question 5771 – Compiler-Design

Macro-processors are ______. Correct Answer: B Question 275 Explanation:  → A macro processor is a program that copies a stream of text from one place to […]
May 17, 2024

Question 6204 – Compiler-Design

A single instruction in an assembly language program contains : Correct Answer: B Question 291 Explanation:  A single instruction in an assembly language program contains one […]
May 17, 2024

Question 7102 – Compiler-Design

On translating the expression given below into quadruple representation, how many operations are required? (i*j)+(e+f)*(a*b+c) Correct Answer: B Question 302 Explanation:  T1 = (i*j) T2=(e+f) T3=(a*b) […]
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