February 2, 2024

Question 10212 – Programming

Assume that X and Y are non-zero positive integers. What does the following Pascal program segment do? while X <>Y do if X > Y then […]
February 4, 2024

Question 8698 – Compiler-Design

One of the purposes of using intermediate code in compilers is to Correct Answer: C Question 36 Explanation:  Intermediate code is generated after semantic analysis. The […]
February 4, 2024

Question 10193 – Operating-Systems

Which of the following page replacement algorithms suffers from Belady’s anamoly? Correct Answer: C Question 9 Explanation:  FIFO is suffers from Belady’s Anamoly. A Optimal replacement B […]
February 5, 2024

Question 10891 – File system-I/O-protection

Which of the file directory structures support effective sharing of files? Correct Answer: C A Two-level directories B Three-structured directories C acyclic graph directories D single […]
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