March 2, 2024

Question 11528 – Arrays

What is the output of the following Pascal program segment? {c: array [1..10] of integer; m, n, temp : integer; procedure r (k, j : integer) […]
March 4, 2024

Question 11534 – APPSC-2012-DL-CS

The consistency model supported in IVT (Integrated shared virtual memory at yale) is Correct Answer: E A Sequential Consistency B General Consistency C Strict Consistency D […]
March 6, 2024

Question 4074 – UGC NET CS 2005 Dec-Paper-2

What is the output of the following C-program main() { printf(”%d%d%d”, sizeof(3.14f), sizeof(3.14), sizeof(3.141)); } Correct Answer: E Question 11 Explanation:  The sizeof operator will print […]
March 16, 2024

Question 7038 – OOPS

​What is the output of the following JAVA program? public class Good{ Private int m; Public Good(int m){this.m=m;} public Boolean equals(Good n){return n.m=m;} public static void […]
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