October 10, 2023


Question 183 The smallest element that can be found in time___ in a binary max heap A O(nlogn) B O(logn) C O(n) D O(n2) AlgorithmsBinary-HeapNielit Scentist-B […]
October 10, 2023

Nielit Scentist-B [02-12-2018]

Question 16 Identify the correct nodes and edges in the given intermediate code: (1) i=1 (2) t1=5*I (3) t2=4*t1 (4) t3=t2 (5) a[t3]=0 (6) i=i+1; (7) […]
October 10, 2023

NTA UGC NET DEC-2022 Paper-2

Question 9 Machine Level Language is a/an A Assembly Language B Low level language C High level Language D Translating Language ProgrammingMemory-hierarchyVideo-Explanation Question 9 Explanation:  Machine […]
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