October 15, 2023


Question 17 Complete the following series 4, 27, 256, 3125, _____ A 46656 B 6250 C 800000 D 1024 Mathematical-ReasoningSeries-TestVideo-Explanation Question 17 Explanation:  22 = 4 […]
October 15, 2023


Question 1 Consider the following XML DTD describing course information in a university: <!ELEMENT Univ (Course+, Prof+)> <!ELEMENT Course (Title, Eval*)> <!ATTLIST Course Number ID #REQUIRED […]
October 15, 2023


Question 46 A company needs to develop a strategy for software product development for which it has a choice of two programming languages L1 and L2. […]
October 15, 2023

KVS 30-12-2018 Part-A

Question 13 ‘सुंदर’ शब्द से बनी भाववाचक संज्ञा है A सौंदरता B सौंदर्य C सौंदर्यता D सुंदरत्व Correct Answer: B
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