February 7, 2024

Question 17417 – ISRO CS-2023

Which of the following clustering technique is used by K- Means Algorithm: Correct Answer: B A Hierarchical Technique B Partitional technique C Divisive D Agglomerative
February 7, 2024

Question 17420 – ISRO CS-2023

Find the minimum spanning distance and the corresponding number of edges for the following graph Correct Answer: B A 10,3 B 11,4 C 15,4 D 28,7
February 7, 2024

Question 17421 – ISRO CS-2023

Match the following (A) Floyd Warshall i) shortest path between two vertices (B) Dijkstra    ii)single source shortest path (C) Kruskal’s    iii)Minimum spanning tree (D) […]
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