November 30, 2023


Question 264 The router table contains addresses belonging to _______ protocol(s). A a single B two C multiple D none of the options Computer-NetworksRoutingNIC-NIELIT STA 2020Video-Explanation […]
November 30, 2023


Question 243 Which of the following scenarios may lead to an irrecoverable error in a database system? A A transaction writes a data item after it […]
November 30, 2023

Question 2678 – KVS 22-12-2018 Part-A

Improve the underlined phrase in the following sentences with the help of given options: Raju seemed to be living at some remove from reality. Correct Answer: […]
November 30, 2023

Question 2680 – KVS 22-12-2018 Part-A

रामधारी सिंह ‘दिनकर’ की प्रसिद्ध रचना का नाम हैं : Correct Answer: A A उर्वशी B यशोधरा C चिदंबरा D कामायनी
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