October 5, 2023


Question 12 The semaphore variables full, empty and mutex are initialized to 0, n and 1, respectively. Process P1 repeatedly adds one item at a time […]
October 5, 2023


Question 14 Consider the following schedule S of transactions T1 and T2: T1 T2 Read(A) A = A - 10 Read (A) Temp = 0.2*A Write(A) […]
October 5, 2023


Question 29 Consider the following pseudo-code: IF ((A > B) AND (C > D)) THEN A = A + 1 B = B + 1 ENDIF […]
October 5, 2023


Question 4 Consider a software program that is artificially seeded with 100 faults. While testing this program, 159 faults are detected, out of which 75 faults […]
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