February 8, 2024Question 15127 – DSSSB TGT 2021Reserve Ratio can also be called ________ . Correct Answer: A A Cash Reserve Ratio B Liquid Reserve Ratio C Required Ratio D Cash Ratio
February 8, 2024MicroprocessorQuestion 2 A sequence of two instructions that multiplies the contents of the DE register pair by 2 and stores the result in the HL register […]
February 8, 2024DSSSB TGT 2017Question 4 Mirza Ghalib was a famous poet of the 19th century who lived in Delhi. Where is Ghalib’s house (Haveli) in Delhi? A Gali Samosan […]
February 8, 2024Computer-NetworksQuestion 21 Consider the string abbccddeee. Each letter in the string must be assigned a binary code satisfying the following properties: For any two letters, the […]