January 11, 2024

Question 9699 – Pipelining

The performance of a pipelined processor suffers if Correct Answer: D Question 5 Explanation:  To speedup from pipelining equals the number of pipe stages are involve. […]
January 12, 2024

Question 10396 – GATE 1993

Simpson’s rule for integration gives exact result when f(x) is a polynomial of degree Correct Answer: D Question 3 Explanation:  Note: Out of syllabus. A 1 […]
January 15, 2024

Question 11052 – Algorithms

A hash table contains 10 buckets and uses linear probing to resolve collisions. The key values are integers and the hash function used is key % […]
January 16, 2024

Question 11091 – Algorithms

A binary search tree contains the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. When the tree is traversed in pre-order and the values in […]
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