December 9, 2023Question 5595 – NIELIT Junior Teachnical Assistant_2016_marchIn the following questions, there are four groups of letters in each. Three of these groups are alike in same way while one is different. Find […]
December 9, 2023Computer-NetworksQuestion 56 A subnetted Class B network has the following broadcast address: Its subnet mask A is necessarily B is necessarily C is necessarily […]
December 9, 2023Question 7909 – ProgrammingConsider the following C code: #include <stdio.h> int *assignval(int *x, int val) { *x = val; return x; } void main ( ) { int *x […]
December 9, 2023Question 5586 – NIELIT Junior Teachnical Assistant_2016_marchIf a is a real number and n is a positive integer then Correct Answer: D A B C D