August 8, 2024


Question 1 Consider the queues Q 1 containing four elements and Q 2 containing none (shown as the Initial State in the figure). The only operations […]
August 23, 2024


Question 27 A binary tree with n > 1 nodes has n1, n2 and n3 nodes of degree one, two and three respectively. The degree of a node […]
August 27, 2024


Question 683 The number of nodes of height h in any n-element heap is atmost: A n/2^(h+1) B n/2^(h-1) C n/2^h D n-1/2^(h-1) Data-StructuresHeap-Tree NTA-UGC-NET 2021 […]
August 29, 2024


Question 2 The number of disk pages access in B-Tree search, where ‘h’ is height, ‘n’ is the number of keys, and ‘t’ is the minimum […]
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