October 6, 2023Programming-for-Output-ProblemsQuestion 16 Consider the following C function: int f(int n) { static int i = 1; if(n >= 5) return n; n = n+i; i++; return […]
October 6, 2023Programming-for-Output-ProblemsQuestion 15 Consider the following code segment for (int k=0; k<20; k=k+2) { if (k % 3 == 1) system.out.print(k+ ” “) } What is printed […]
October 6, 2023Programming-for-Output-ProblemsQuestion 29 Consider the following code fragment void foo(int x, int y) { x+=y; y+=x; } main() { int x=5.5; foo(x,x); } What is the final […]
October 6, 2023Programming-for-Output-ProblemsQuestion 28 Consider the following C declaration struct { short s[5]; union { float y; long z; }u; }t; Assume that the objects of the type […]