October 26, 2023

JNU 2018-2 PhD CS

Question 1 If L and ~L (complement of L) are recursive enumerable, then L is A regular B context free C context sensitive D recursive Question […]
October 26, 2023

JNU 2018-2 PhD CS

Question 2 If transition is not defined on the current state and the current tape symbol, then the machine A halts B does not halt C […]
October 26, 2023

JNU 2018-2 PhD CS

Question 3 A language L may not be accepted by a Turing machine if A it is recursively enumerable B L can be enumerated by some […]
October 26, 2023

JNU 2018-2 PhD CS

Question 4 The variable which produces an epsilon is called A empty B terminal C non-terminal D nullable Question 4 Explanation:  The variable which produces an […]
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