October 25, 2023

GATE 2007

Question 44 In the following C function, let n >= m. int gcd(n,m) { if (n%m ==0) return m; n = n%m; return gcd(m,n); } How […]
October 26, 2023


Question 9 Which of the given options provides the increasing order of asymptotic complexity of functions f1, f2, f3 and f4? f1(n)=2n f2(n)=n3/2 f3(n)=n log2 n […]
October 26, 2023


Question 10 Match the following asymptotic notations used in the time and space analysis of algorithms-with their meanings A: O-notation B: Θ-notation C: Ω-notation I. Greater […]
October 26, 2023


Question 11 The asymptotic notation for defining the average time complexity is A Equivalence B Symmetric C Reflexive D Both Symmetric and Reflexive AlgorithmsAsymptotic-ComplexityAPPSC-2016-DL-CA Correct Answer: […]