October 28, 2023


Question 90 Which of the following sorting algorithms has the minimum running time complexity in the best and average case? A Insertion sort, Quick sort B […]
October 28, 2023


Question 82 An ideal sort is an in-place-sort whose additional space requirement is __________. A O (log​ 2​ n) B O (n log​ 2​ n) C […]
October 28, 2023


Question 81 Which of the following algorithms sort n integers, having the range 0 to (n​ 2​ – 1), in ascending order in O(n) time ? […]
October 28, 2023


Question 80 How much extra space is used by heapsort ? A O(1) B O(Log n) C O(n) D O(n​ 2​ ) AlgorithmsSortingUGC NET CS 2004 […]
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