October 23, 2023


Question 6 The octal representation of an integer is (342)8. If this were to be treated as an eight-bit integer is an 8085 based computer, its […]
October 23, 2023


Question 750 Give the logic circuit using NAND gates for the expression a+b+ c A Descriptive Solution Digital-Logic-DesignLogic-Gates-and-operatorsHCU PHD CS MAY 2012 Correct Answer: A
October 24, 2023

UGC NET CS 2010 June-Paper-2

Question 7 Advantage of synchronous sequential circuits over asynchronous ones is A faster operation B ease of avoiding problems due to hazard C lower hardware requirement […]
October 24, 2023

UGC NET CS 2005 june-paper-2

Question 6 (101011)​ 2​ =(53)​ b​ , then ‘b’ is equal to : A 4 B 8 C 10 D 16 Digital-Logic-DesignNumber-Systems Question 6 Explanation:  We […]
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