August 20, 2023

ISRO CS 2020

Question 1 An array of two byte integers is stored in big endian machine in byte addresses as shown below. What will be its storage pattern […]
August 23, 2023

ISRO CS 2020

Question 3 Minimum number of NAND gates required to implement the following binary equation A 4 B 5 C 3 D 6 Digital-Logic-DesignLogic-GatesVideo-Explanation Question 3 Explanation:  […]
October 3, 2023

UGC NET CS 2011 June-Paper-2

Question 10 8-bit 1’s complement form of –77.25 is A 01001101.0100 B 01001101.0010 C 10110010.1011 D 10110010.1101 Digital-Logic-DesignNumber-Systems Question 10 Explanation:  (-77.25)10 Step 1: Convert (77)10into […]
October 3, 2023

Nielit Scientific Assistance CS 15-10-2017

Question 2 Which of the following is minimum error code? A Octal code B Binary Code C Gray code D Excess-3 Code Digital-Logic-DesignNumber-Systems Question 2 Explanation:  […]
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