Software engineering
Easy Medium Difficult
2019 DEC 1. Cyclomatic complexity-E(5) 1. ISO-9126 Standard Quality Model

2. Agile Process Model

3. UML-sequence diagram(2)

4. Project management

2019 JUNE 1. S/W Reuse

2. Validation

3. Coupling and cohesion

4. Adaptive maintenance


2. Risk Monitoring

1. Statement Coverage
2018  DEC 1.SRS requirements

2.Agile software development

1. Clean-room strategy

2. Software Reengineering

3. Coupling types

4. UML diagrams(state,use case,class,Activity)

5. Software maturity index

6. Perfective maintenance

2018  JULY 1.SE Design, SR, Validation, Software Cost estimation

2.Source Code Management

3. CMMI levels

4. software design pattern

5. clean room approach

6. Refactoring

1. LOC related to COCOMO

2. Coupling types

3. Re-engineer
